MB and AC are used as plastic medias in process of gentle blast. The process has been accepted by all the services as a viable alternative paint stripping method and as a replacement for mechanical or chemical methods. It also used to clean and de-carbon of aero-engine parts. There has been in-depth and long-term testing of the process where suitable blasting parameters, blasting equipment, and traning programs have been developed.
Both types of MB and AC are confirmed by Mil-Spec of Mil-P-85891A. They are approved by manufactures of aircraft engines and U.S. Air Force for overhaul or repair.
MB, type II, supports higher production rates due to more aggressive.
AC, type V, has emerged as the best available media for stripping thin, soft aluminum alloys.
4F-5, No.4, Lane 609, Sec. 5, Chongxin Road, Sanchong, New Taipei City 24159, Taiwan.
Gloria Chen (Manager)
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