Stage USES company: professional for celebration etiquette company, advertising companies, exhibition companies, schools, companies, government units, shopping hotels, factories... ... Stage special, such as small volume, convenient transport, quick installation, professional fashion. Stage of commonly used specifications: each group stage specification mX2.0 mX1.22 mX2.44 1.22 m 1.22 m 1.22 m above the water templates, can use, commonly used height 60 cm, 80 cm, 100 cm, 120 cm Stage material: high quality steel materials, professional production lines, fine building, professional quality from power. Stage is in the exhibition activities, to provide space for actors, it can make the audience's attention to the performances and get ideal effect. Stage usually consists of one or more of the platform, the normal stage 60 cm, 80 cm, 100 cm, 120 cm in height. Fast loading stage frame: this is a professional stage performance for aircraft, the 100 - square - meter stage, only need more than twenty minutes, you can begin the 100 - square - meter stage, the stage is more stable, easy to set up and tear open outfit. And the transportation is convenient, and the circulation use, suitable for all kinds of meetings, 60 cm, 80 cm, 100 cm is commonly used, other specifications can be customized, the two stage is made of high quality steel products, is currently the economical using professional performance stage. Stage USES: outdoor concert at the opening ceremony for the stage, small family the special promotion stage, aiming at a press conference special performance stage, fashion catwalk shows special stage, T stage, market promotion stage. Stage mode of transportation: this product transportation convenience, the volume 1.22 mX2.44 m, thickness 5 cm, greatly saves the transportation and storage space, structures, quick, the 100 - square - meter stage need all set up about 20 minutes, save the time of building and atmospheric poise, sturdy and durable. Advantage stage: this stage is suitable for indoor and outdoor special products, suitable for r ed outdoor ground, stage B is can adjust height, specialty skill, if 60 cm stage, can adjust to 90 cm, height 80 cm, can be adjusted to 120 cm.