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monosodium phosphate 1
  • monosodium phosphate 1

monosodium phosphate

Model:food grade
Origin:Made In China
Category:Chemicals / Food Additives
Label:food grade , industry grade , monosodium phosphate
Price: US $1300 / ton
Min. Order:1 ton
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Product Description

1. Chemical Name:monosodium phosphate

2. Molecular Formula: NaH2PO4NaH2PO4·H2ONaH2PO4·2H2O  

3. Molecular Weight: Anhydrous: 120.01; Monohydrate: 138.01; Dihydrate: 156.01

4. CAS: Anhydrous: 7558-80-7; Monohydrate: 10049-21-7; Dihydrate: 13472-35-0

5. Character: It is  colourless  column crystal, odorless, slightly deliquescence. The relative density is 2.04 and melting point is 60℃. It is easily soluble in water but insoluble in ethahol. If heated below 100℃, it can dissolve in crystal water and convert to monohydrate salt. When heated to 100℃, it will lose crystal water and change its anhydrous substances, which will become sodium metaphosphate if it’s continue to be heated.

6. Usage: In food industry, it is used as buffering, character improving agent, emulsifier, nutrition supplement, antioxidant additive, brine penetrable agent, sugar clarifier, stabilizer, coagulant, fowl scalding agent.

7. Packing:It is packed with polyethylene bag as liner and a compound plastic woven bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg. 

8Storage and Transport: It should be stored in a dry and ventilating warehouse.

Payment Terms:30% TT in advance

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monosodium phosphate 1
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Nanjing Jiayi sunway chemical co.,Ltd

NO.100,Qinhuai Road

Thora (sales manager)

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