Wallets leather bags decorative bags customized wholesale
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- Kindly Reminder
- 1:All items pictures in this store came from real shot,please look careflly details to order.
- 2:As this ship of lower-paid was very slow and high packet-loss rate,so be kicked out that cannot be chosen ,s est customer pick up standard delivery with tracking.
- 3:Some products show only part of the details,if you want to see more or customize ,please contact me to check more photos.
- 4:Ensuring the package arrived smoothly,please correctly fill in the recipient's information.
- 5:The ship fee depends on the items'total weight,for saving much more ship cost,s est that put all items you need in cart to make a order,then choose unified ship way for all items to one-off pay money.
- 6:We cannot control the transporting and dilivery time for each package,Buyers can contact us or lacal post office directly if you still not receive your package after the whole delivery time we promised.We are unable to take any responsibility for any customs delay or tax,as the transit time is highly depended and provided on Local Postal Service.
- Our contact:
- Whatsapp:+86 15557967175 +86 15557977382
- instagram: haydin_666
- tiktok:haydin_wu
- Wechat: haydin_666_666_666 zixuan_888_888_888
- Email: 1851261349@qq.com
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