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 Anion Polyacrylamide 1 Anion Polyacrylamide 2 Anion Polyacrylamide 3 Anion Polyacrylamide 4
  •  Anion Polyacrylamide 1
  •  Anion Polyacrylamide 2
  •  Anion Polyacrylamide 3
  •  Anion Polyacrylamide 4

Anion Polyacrylamide

Category:Chemicals / Chemical Reagent
Label:anionic pam , anionic flocculant , Wastewater treatment
Price: US $200 / pc
Min. Order:1 pc
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Product Description

Anionic polyacrylamide(APAM) series products are water-soluble linear polymers synthesized with high polymerization degree, easily soluble in water, almost insoluble in benzene, ether, lipids, acetone and other general organic solvents.

The anionic polyacrylamide produced by Xinhuan Water Treatment can be used as coagulant aid, retention agent, sludge dewatering agent and coagulation precipitant. Because its molecular chain contains a certain number of polar groups, it can adsorb the suspended solid particles in water, make the bridge between particles or make the particles coalesce to form large flocs through charge neutralisation, so it can accelerate the settlement of the particles in the suspension, and it has the effect of accelerating the clarification of the solution and promoting the filtration, etc.

Anion Polyacrylamide is mainly used to purify drinking water and domestic sewage, purify industrial sludge and dewatering agent and coagulation and sedimentation agent. It is mainly used to purify drinking water and domestic sewage; purify industrial water and industrial wastewater; purify mine and oilfield re-injection water; purify papermaking, electroplating, electronics, dyeing and finishing, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, coal washing, tannery and various chemical wastewater. The most suitable type of product should be selected according to the conditions and water quality of the system to be treated.

Product Image

 Anion Polyacrylamide 1
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 Anion Polyacrylamide 2
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 Anion Polyacrylamide 3
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 Anion Polyacrylamide 4
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Henan Xinhuan Water Treatment Materials Co.,Ltd.

Weizhaung Village Zhi Tian Town Gongyi City Henan province, China

joanna (trade)

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