Immersion Suit with EC MED and CCS approval
Product Description
Designing and manufactured according to the Requirements of 1996 Amendments to SOLAS 1974 and LSA Code and Resolution MSC.81 (70). Certificated by EC-MED
Wearing time: <2mins
Storage temperature: -30 degree celsius to +65 dgree celsius
Size L: It is suitable for the person who is higher over 1.75m;
Size S: It is suitable for the person who is lower than 1.75m;
Waterproof Performance: The water-permeability amount is less than 200g after the wearer has floated on water for one hour.
Thermo-insulation Performance: After the wearer soaks in stationary water of 0 to 2 degree celsius for 6 hours, the drop of the body-temperature is less than 2 degree celsius.
Floating force Performance: The wearer can turn over within 5 second, so that his face is upwards and the nose and mouth portion is 120mm above the water level, after the wearer soaks in water for 24hours, the floating force loss of the suit is less than 5%.
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