vikey Leather Handbag Co., Ltd. specializes in the design, production and sale of all kinds of handbags and leather goods. The products work fine, the materials are excellent, and the price is reasonable. With excellent design, production and sales team, we combine professional knowledge with market trends, and constantly develop new products that are both unique and popular in the market, so that our products have always been at the forefront of peers and have strong competitiveness. . The products produced by vikey Handbag Factory include maternity series such as Mummy bag, baby carriage bag and urine pad, as well as outdoor series such as picnic mat, sleeping bag, ice bag, lunch bag and mountaineering bag, as well as computer bag, digital camera bag and travel. Bags, backpacks, cosmetic bags, stationery bags, fashion bags, nylon bags, shopping bags, green bags, gift bags, fashion casual bags, computer backpacks, school bags, clutches, waist bags, canvas bags, pet bags, etc. Products, products are exported to all over the world. We make customers from all over the world happy and satisfied with the fine craftsmanship, reasonable price and punctual delivery. We have experienced professional designers and model masters, who can make samples or drawings, or customize according to customer requirements, and provide customers with improved products.
Our production department is composed of professional workers who have many years of experience in handbag making. We strictly control and the quality of our products is fully affirmed by our customers. Our products are distributed in major shopping malls. We welcome dealers from all over the world to distribute and order. After years of hard work, the company has established good cooperative relations with a group of internationally renowned enterprises. Tencent QQ, Wal-Mart, Tesco, L'Oreal, carpisa and many other world-renowned companies have been well received by customers. In the future, we will continue to develop our own “vikey” brand leather bag series to provide you with better quality products.
We have a professional development team that can provide OEM and ODM processing, welcome to map, sample, call us. We will be happy to help you!