Hot Product Promotion is a priority listing service exclusive for member of DIYTrade. Product with Hot Product Promotion service has priority right to list on search results and showcase on "Hot Product" section. This service can attract buyer's first attention to your product and assist you to generate more valuable sales leads.
* The number shown on the right-bottom corner of the picture 1 indicates the quantity of Hot
Product Promotion service has applied to a product.
* Ranking will be based on member's sign-in
time if the number is the same.
Your product will priorly be shown on the search results to attract buyer's first attention, it enables you to generate more sales leads.
The more quantity of Hot Product Promotion a product has, the higher the ranking it will be. You can decide the listing position of your product.
To work more effectively with your promotion campaign, you can add or switch star unit to or between the promoted products anytime you want.
Once your product with Hot Product Promotion service is updated, system will priorly notify Google about the change.
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