迪亚克工控软驱TEAC FD-05HG 5661

迪亚克工控软驱TEAC FD-05HG 5661
型号:FD-05HG 5661
类别:电脑、影音数码 / 电脑配件 / 驱动器
标签︰TEAC FD-05HG , 金镶玉软驱 , scsi软驱
单价: TW $111 / dun
最少订量:1 dun


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TEAC FD-235HS 1121
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TEAC FD-235HS 715
TEAC FD-235HS 911
TEAC FD-235J 3653
TEAC FD-235J 5604
TEAC FD-235JS 501
TEAC FD-235JS 806
TEAC FD-335HGS 602
TEAC FD-05HF 533
TEAC FD-05HG 1721-60
TEAC FD-05HG 4663
TEAC FD-05HG 530
TEAC FD-05HG 5668
TEAC FD-05HG 5708
TEAC FD-235F 246-U
TEAC FD-235F 3139
TEAC FD-235F 3264
TEAC FD-235F 3435
TEAC FD-235F 4112
TEAC FD-235F 4405-U
TEAC FD-235GF 121
TEAC FD-235GF 3321
TEAC FD-235GF 3447
TEAC FD-235GF 3975-20
TEAC FD-235GF 5510-10
TEAC FD-235GF 6290
TEAC FD-235GF 6750
TEAC FD-235GF 7156
TEAC FD-235GF 7432
TEAC FD-235GF 8155
TEAC FD-235GF A227
TEAC FD-235GS 953
TEAC FD-235HF 235 -U5
TEAC FD-235HF 3106
TEAC FD-235HF 3201
TEAC FD-235HF 3218
TEAC FD-235HF 3267
TEAC FD-235HF 3291
TEAC FD-235HF 3713
TEAC FD-235HF 3975-00
TEAC FD-235HF 4217-U
TEAC FD-235HF 4291-U
TEAC FD-235HF 5240
TEAC FD-235HF 5429-U
TEAC FD-235HF 5529-20
TEAC FD-235HF 6529
TEAC FD-235HF 6713
TEAC FD-235HF 713
TEAC FD-235HF 7529
TEAC FD-235HF 7581
TEAC FD-235HF 7700
TEAC FD-235HF A291
TEAC FD-235HF A562
TEAC FD-235HF B591
TEAC FD-235HF C529
TEAC FD-235HF C715
TEAC FD-235HF C929
TEAC FD-235HF C991
TEAC FD-235HG 3461
TEAC FD-235HG 3975-90
TEAC FD-235HG 5417
TEAC FD-235HG 5492
TEAC FD-235HG 5510-20
TEAC FD-235HG 5529-70
TEAC FD-235HG 6360
TEAC FD-235HG 6365
TEAC FD-235HG 6444
TEAC FD-235HG 6492
TEAC FD-235HG 6496
TEAC FD-235HG 7050
TEAC FD-235HG 7105
TEAC FD-235HG 7304
TEAC FD-235HG 7345
TEAC FD-235HG 7381
TEAC FD-235HG 7486
TEAC FD-235HG 8304
TEAC FD-235HG A279
TEAC FD-235HG A345
TEAC FD-235HG A363
TEAC FD-235HG A497
TEAC FD-235HG C103
TEAC FD-235HG C332
TEAC FD-235HG C629
TEAC FD-235HG C817
TEAC FD-235HS 1001
TEAC FD-235HS 1111
TEAC FD-235HS 302
TEAC FD-235HS 701
TEAC FD-235HS 900
TEAC FD-235HS 915
TEAC FD-235J 3660
TEAC FD-235J 5670-U
TEAC FD-235JS 506
TEAC FD-235JS 807
TEAC FD-05HG 1718
TEAC FD-05HG 230
TEAC FD-05HG 4682
TEAC FD-05HG 566
TEAC FD-05HG 568
TEAC FD-05HG 8661
TEAC FD-235F 100-U
TEAC FD-235F 3100-U
TEAC FD-235F 3173
TEAC FD-235F 3405-U
TEAC FD-235F 3975-00
TEAC FD-235F 4139
TEAC FD-235F 4405
TEAC FD-235GF 3121
TEAC FD-235GF 3420
TEAC FD-235GF 3472
TEAC FD-235GF 4001-U
TEAC FD-235GF 6121
TEAC FD-235GF 6296
TEAC FD-235GF 7121
TEAC FD-235GF 7296
TEAC FD-235GF 7463
TEAC FD-235GF A121
TEAC FD-235GF A296
TEAC FD-235HF 1219
TEAC FD-235HF 237
TEAC FD-235HF 3165
TEAC FD-235HF 3217-U
TEAC FD-235HF 3240-U
TEAC FD-235HF 3269
TEAC FD-235HF 3433
TEAC FD-235HF 3822
TEAC FD-235HF 3975-20
TEAC FD-235HF 4240-U
TEAC FD-235HF 4808
TEAC FD-235HF 5291-U
TEAC FD-235HF 5481
TEAC FD-235HF 6291
TEAC FD-235HF 6591
TEAC FD-235HF 6826
TEAC FD-235HF 7291
TEAC FD-235HF 7560
TEAC FD-235HF 7584
TEAC FD-235HF 7715
TEAC FD-235HF A529
TEAC FD-235HF A700
TEAC FD-235HF B891
TEAC FD-235HF C591
TEAC FD-235HF C829
TEAC FD-235HF C940
TEAC FD-235HG 3406
TEAC FD-235HG 3975-00
TEAC FD-235HG 5316
TEAC FD-235HG 5466
TEAC FD-235HG 5494
TEAC FD-235HG 5529-00
TEAC FD-235HG 6050
TEAC FD-235HG 6363
TEAC FD-235HG 6397
TEAC FD-235HG 6486
TEAC FD-235HG 6493
TEAC FD-235HG 6497
TEAC FD-235HG 7052
TEAC FD-235HG 7156
TEAC FD-235HG 7325
TEAC FD-235HG 7363
TEAC FD-235HG 7390
TEAC FD-235HG 7487
TEAC FD-235HG A050
TEAC FD-235HG A304
TEAC FD-235HG A356
TEAC FD-235HG A390
TEAC FD-235HG B080
TEAC FD-235HG C122
TEAC FD-235HG C363
TEAC FD-235HG C804
TEAC FD-235HG C832
TEAC FD-235HS 1011
TEAC FD-235HS 1112
TEAC FD-235HS 307
TEAC FD-235HS 711
TEAC FD-235HS 901
TEAC FD-235J 3631
TEAC FD-235J 3670-U
TEAC FD-235JS 06
TEAC FD-235JS 801
TEAC FD-235JS 810
TEAC FD-05HG 1721-50
TEAC FD-05HG 4661
TEAC FD-05HG 4686
TEAC FD-05HG 5661
TEAC FD-05HG 5705
TEAC FD-235F 198
TEAC FD-235F 3112-U
TEAC FD-235F 3198
TEAC FD-235F 3405
TEAC FD-235F 4112-U
TEAC FD-235F 4161
TEAC FD-235F 4665
TEAC FD-235GF 3296
TEAC FD-235GF 3442
TEAC FD-235GF 3484
TEAC FD-235GF 5510-00
TEAC FD-235GF 6155
TEAC FD-235GF 6484
TEAC FD-235GF 7155
TEAC FD-235GF 7321
TEAC FD-235GF 7484
TEAC FD-235GF A155
TEAC FD-235GF A321
TEAC FD-235HF 1240
TEAC FD-235HF 2583-00
TEAC FD-235HF 3201-U
TEAC FD-235HF 3217
TEAC FD-235HF 3240
TEAC FD-235HF 3291-U
TEAC FD-235HF 3700
TEAC FD-235HF 3823
TEAC FD-235HF 4201-U
TEAC FD-235HF 4240
TEAC FD-235HF 5240-U
TEAC FD-235HF 5307-U
TEAC FD-235HF 5510-00
TEAC FD-235HF 6391
TEAC FD-235HF 6700
TEAC FD-235HF 710
TEAC FD-235HF 7429
TEAC FD-235HF 7575
TEAC FD-235HF 7591
TEAC FD-235HF 8291
TEAC FD-235HF A549
TEAC FD-235HF B291
TEAC FD-235HF C291
TEAC FD-235HF C700
TEAC FD-235HF C891
TEAC FD-235HF C968
TEAC FD-235HG 3408
TEAC FD-235HG 3975-80
TEAC FD-235HG 5334
TEAC FD-235HG 5469
TEAC FD-235HG 5510-00
TEAC FD-235HG 5529-20
TEAC FD-235HG 6052
TEAC FD-235HG 6364
TEAC FD-235HG 6417
TEAC FD-235HG 6487
TEAC FD-235HG 6495
TEAC FD-235HG 6638
TEAC FD-235HG 7053
TEAC FD-235HG 7204
TEAC FD-235HG 7343
TEAC FD-235HG 7372
TEAC FD-235HG 7417
TEAC FD-235HG 7497
TEAC FD-235HG A123
TEAC FD-235HG A332
TEAC FD-235HG A361
TEAC FD-235HG A417
TEAC FD-235HG B103
TEAC FD-235HG C304
TEAC FD-235HG C417



====== Product Quotes ======

  1. The TEAC FD235HS-1111 scsi floppy drive are made of two major components: the 3.5 floppy drive and the FC-1 host adapter.     
  2. The FC-1 adapter provides the SCSI interface, single-ended, which has a standard 50-pin connector low density.
  3. The host adapter and the drives are proprietary technology of TEAC, and these floppy disk drives cannot be used as standard 3.5 1.44MB disk drives without the card.


Product Warranty Information


All TEAC models feature a 90-Days warranty from the date of purchase.


Registration Information


There is no need to register your product. TEAC provides 100% support for your product. You need, however, to keep your invoice in a safe place. The invoice is your proof of purchase and you will be required to send us a copy for repair and/or replacement.


Parts, Replacement, and Repair Information


Computer stores usually provide a 15 to 30-day warranty in most products. In case of a defective unit, contact your vendor immediately to have it replaced.

If your unit is out of warranty from the vendor, please contact our service department at xu@ruanqu.net for repair and/or replacement information, and have the following information ready:

  1. Model name
  2. Part number
  3. Serial number
  4. Invoice

Identifying your floppy Drive  


OEM production models are not listed in this knowledge base; you need to contact the manufacturer of the piece of equipment where your floppy drive was originally installed in order to receive information for repair, replacement, and availability.
  1. All TEAC 3.5 floppy disk drives have the prefix TEAC FD235HS-1111 scsi floppy drive, which denotes the size of the disk: 3.5 drive.

  2. The next two characters in the model nomenclature denote the density, and type of interface of the device:

    HS: Dual Density: 720K and 1.44MB; the letter S denotes the SCSI interface.

  3. The suffix denotes the series information:

  4. The color of the bezel for the TEAC FD235HS-1111 series remains the same. Please refer to thexu@ruanqu.net for details.
  1. If your drive is not yet installed, you can identify it by its model label, which is located in the bottom side, towards the front side of the drive. Refer to figure A for details.

Figure A

  1. The nameplate in the back of the drive does not indicate the model nor serial number in your drive. Always, refer to the label in the bottom side of the drive.
  2. If your drive is already installed in your system, then you may find the model number in your invoice. Please keep your invoice in a safe place since this is your proof of purchase and you will be required to send us a copy for repair.




The following table provides a description of the hardware specifications for the SCSI interface 3.5 1.44MB floppy disk drive models TEAC FD235HS-1111x.


Model Name:










Front Bezel: Dark Beige (AT)
Eject Button: Dark Beige (AT)
Internal Buffer: 31KB
LED Indicator: Amber
Interface Connector: Standard 50-pin connector
Signal Interface: SCSI (Small Computer System Interface: ANSI standardX3.131-1986)
Operation Mode Write / Read: 2MB mode 1MB mode
Disk Used 
(90mm / 3.5):
High density (2HD) Normal density (2DD)
Data Transfer Rate: 500KBps 250KBps
Unformatted Data Capacity: 2MB 1MB


Rotational Speed: 300rpm
Track Density: 5.3 track/mm (135tpi)
Track to Track Time: 3ms
Required Power: +5V single (4.5V ~ 5.5V)
Terminator: 220 / 330 Ohm ?5% detachable (provided at factory)
Specification of Parity: ON at factory, ON / OFF switchable
Specification of SCSI: ID=0 at factory, switchable SCSI ID 0 to 7
Logical Unit Number: LUN=0 at factory
Dimensions: 101.6 W X 33.3 H X 166 D mm
Weight: 480g
Mounting: Vertical/horizontal with spindle motor down
MTBF: 30,000 POH
Safety Standards: 1011, 1111: UL, CSA, TUV

711, 911:     UL, CSA


jumper information


  1. The jumpers in the back of the drive provide normal floppy functions, SCSI termination, and the SCSI ID number. Refer to figure A for details.
    NOTE: Insertion of the plastic strap onto the post pin is defined as the on-state of the strap.


Figure A



SCSI ID Jumpers.

ID 0 by factory default. All jumpers ON.


Power connector


Standard floppy function jumpers.


330 Ohm terminator


Standard 50-pin SCSI interface


Floppy bridge (34 to 50-pin connection)


Floppy label**


  1. The jumpers in the bottom of the FC-1 host adapter provide the SCSI configuration. 
    By factory default, jumpers PAR, and H are set to ON. See figure B.

Figure B

  1. Detailed function and description information of these jumpers is available from our catalog at:http://www.ruanqu.net
  2. Figure C.A provides the default jumper configuration of normal floppy operation for model FD235HS711.
  3. Figure C.B provides the default jumper configuration of normal floppy operation for models 911, 1011, and 1111

Driver information

Although the TEAC FD235HS-1111 floppy drives have a standard SCSI interface, there are no drivers available from TEAC. You need to create your own drivers.

The process of development and implementation of software drivers is unique to each PC and NON-PC applications; and for that, the SCSI Command Set of Instructions is available at request to our Technical Support Department at DSPDTSG@TEAC.COM.
You are required to read, and sign our Non-Disclousure Agreement (NDA) and return it to us via fax: http://www.ruanqu.net . You should receive the manual upon approval.



The quality of the TEAC FD235HS-1111 drives provide a trouble-free operation for your computer system if properly installed. The following information will guide you thoroughly through an easy step-by-step method for a proper installation of your floppy disk drive.

Your TEAC FD235HS-1111 drive must be handled with care. Avoid applying undue force or abnormal strain to the spindle motor, stepping motor or printed circuit board assembly (PCBA).

It is best to hold the drive by the sides. Never loosen the fixing screws of the PCBA.

Preparing your system



Unplug your computer.


Detach all peripheral devices from your computer, such as printer, keyboard, mouse, etc.


Remove cover from your computer. Refer to your computer manual for this procedure.


The floppy interface cable is the flat ribbon type, and the power connector consists of the 4 separate wires attached to a single connector.

Configuring the TEAC FD235HS-1111 Floppy Disk Drive


If this is the only device connected to your SCSI card, then make sure termination is enabled; otherwise, you need to verify that the drive's SCSI ID # does not conflict with any of the other devices connected to the chain; if the drive is not connected at the end of the chain, then you need to disable termination as well.


Use a standard 50-pin SCSI interface cable to complete the installation.


Connect the TEAC FD235HS-1111 floppy disk drive to the 50-pin SCSI cable.
Installing the TEAC FD235HS-1111 Floppy Disk Drive


Slide the drive into the available standard 1 high bay.


Locate the SCSI cable, and connect the red or blue stripe into pin # 1 in the drive, which is located towards the power connector in the drive.


Connect the power connector to the drive.


Place the screws through each set of holes in the drive.


Be sure to have a copy of the SCSI Command Set manual so you can create your own drivers to make the interface possible between the TEAC FD235HS-1111 and your SCSI application. Refer to the Driver Information section for details.

system integrator's resources


Developers / System Integrators Documentation

TEAC America provides the following documentation for those customers in the United States of America, who are integrating the TEAC FD235HS-1111 drives into their hardware application design.

1. The Hardware specification manual includes information such as:

Physical dimensions

Reliability information (MTBF)

Environmental conditions

Power Interface and connectors

SCSI hardware interface (Pinouts)

Electrical characteristics

2. The Software specification manual includes detailed information on the command set supported by the TEAC drive. 

3. Safety Agency Certificates may include UL, TUV, CE, CSA, etc.





SCSI floppy drive Series Model

TEAC FD-235HS 307

TEAC FD-235HS 900

TEAC FD-235HS 911

TEAC FD-235HS 901

TEAC FD-235HS 701

TEAC FD-235HS 1011

TEAC FD-235JS 501

TEAC FD-235JS 506

TEAC FD-235HS 1121

TEAC FD-335HGS 602

TEAC FD-235HS 911

TEAC FD-235HS 1001

TEAC FD-235HS 715

TEAC FD-235HS 307

TEAC FD-235HS 915

TEAC FD-235HS 901

TEAC FD-235HS 309

TEAC FD-235HS 302

TEAC FD-235HS 1112

TEAC FD-235HS 1211

TEAC FD-235HS 1111

TEAC FD-235HS 1001

TEAC FD-235HS 715

TEAC FD-235HS 711

TEAC FD-235HS 711

TEAC FD-235HS 1101

TEAC FD-235JS 810

TEAC FD-235JS 801

TEAC FD-235JS 806

TEAC FD-235JS 807

TEAC FD-235JS 06

TEAC FD-235GS 953




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