
类别:电子、电力 / 仪器、仪表 / 试验机
标签︰低温脆化试验机 , 低温脆性试验机 , 低温脆化仪
单价: ¥6500 / 台
最少订量:1 台


GB15256-2014多功能塑料低温脆化试验机检查电线之塑料外壳以及硫化橡胶在低温测试时的脆化特性。 The embrittlement of plastic case of the wire and the embrittlement of vulcanized rubber during low temperature test.

用户可以选择TS-BC直线性冲击试验方法或者TS-BT摆锤型冲击试验方法以满足客户对设备的不同需求。 The user can choose the TS-BC linear impact test method or TS-BT pendulum type impact test method to meet the customer's different needs of the equipment.

试验时将试样固定于夹具上,然后将试样浸泡坐在低温介质中5分钟,用2±0.2m/s的线速度冲击试样,最后检查试样在最低温度是否出现裂纹、裂缝、小孔、以及是否完分离成碎片。 Test sample is fixed on the fixture, then soaked samples sitting in low temperature medium in 5 minutes, with 2 + 0.2 M / s line speed impact test specimens, the final inspection sample in the lowest temperature whether cracks, cracks, holes, and whether separates into pieces. 通过转换卡盘托架底座可以连续的进行样品测试,可以节省样品放回原处时间,满足很多样品各自的测试标准。 Through the conversion of the chuck bracket base can be continuous sample test, can save the sample back in place of time, meet a lot of samples of the respective test standard. GB15256-2014塑料低温脆化试验机制冷方式 The refrigeration mode of multifunctional plastic cryogenic embrittlement test machine 采用二段式压缩机快速降温制冷,最低温度可达-76℃(如需低于-76℃,可定制)。 Two stage compressor cooling refrigeration, the lowest temperature of up to -76 (for example, can be customized for less than -76). 温度可控性高,低温槽中液体传热介质可启用搅拌马达,使温度均匀性更佳。毎次可测试4组试样, 旋转定位夹具对每组试样进行冲击测试,检査出现脆性破坏的最低温度。 The temperature can be controlled and the heat transfer medium of the liquid in the cryogenic tank can be used for stirring the motor, and the temperature uniformity is better.. Each time 4 groups of samples testing, rotary positioning fixture for each specimen of impact test and laboratory examination appear brittle failure of minimum temperature. GB15256-2014塑料低温脆化试验机测试标准: Standard for testing of multi - functional plastic cryogenic Embrittlement Testing Machine: GB/T5470-2008塑料冲击法脆化温度的测定 Determination of embrittlement temperature of plastic impact method GB/T 12584-2008橡胶或塑料涂覆织物低温冲击试验 Low temperature impact test for rubber or plastic coated fabrics GB/T15256-1994硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定(多试样法)
Determination of low temperature brittleness of vulcanized rubber (Multi - specimen method)4 ISO 812-2011硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶--低温脆性的测定 Vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of low temperature brittleness BS 903 A25:1992 橡胶的物理试验.第A25部分:低温脆性测定 Physical tests for rubber - Determination of low temperature brittleness for part A25 ISO 974-2000塑料.冲击脆化温度的测定 Plastics. Determination of impact embrittlement temperature ASTM D2137-2010挠性聚合物及其涂覆织物脆化点测试方法 Test method for brittle point of flexible polymer and its coated fabric ASTM D746-2013用冲击法测定塑料及弹性材料脆化温度的试验方法 Test method for brittle temperature of plastic and elastomeric materials by impact method JIS K7216塑料低温脆化测试方法 Test method for low temperature embrittlement of plastics JIS K6261-2006硫化或热塑性橡胶--低温特性的测定 Vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of low temperature properties JIS C3005-2000橡胶或塑料绝缘电线和电缆的试验方法 Test method for rubber or plastics insulated wires and cable JIS K 6723-1995增塑聚氯乙烯化合物 Polyvinyl chloride compound


Main features 卡盘转换部分 Chuck conversion part 4组卡盘通过旋转手柄时,转换卡盘能够启动进入打击测试状态。

The 4 group of chuck by rotating the handle, the conversion can start to enter the test state against chuck 在规定的速度下,通过交替打击锤打击卡盘里样品夹中的样品。 in terms of speed, by alternately blow hammer in the sample sample clamp chuck. 试验槽(低温槽) Test trough (cryogenic tank) 通过利用复叠制冷系统可以冷却到-80℃。 The -80 can be cooled by using the cascade refrigeration system 控制部分电子电路,设备依照给定的过程进行程序控制,是机器内部固有的 Control part of the electronic circuit, the equipment according to the given process of the procedure control, is inherent in the machine

多功能塑料低温脆化试验机 1


联系人︰周成 (经理)