新唐 N32926U1DN

新唐 N32926U1DN
原产地:台湾 中国
类别:电子、电力 / 其它电力、电子
标签︰N32926U1DN , N32916U1DN , N32905U1DN
单价: ¥35.5 / 片
最少订量:10 片


N32926U1DN是为了加速影音流媒体播放效能而特别设计的,其内嵌的硬件H.264 和MJPEG编解码器以及AAC加速器和声音处理单元(SPU)特别适合以音视频流媒体为主的云端多媒体应用方案。而内置的视频解码器和音频编解码器也将在提升整体性能的同时减轻CPU的运算负担并降低功耗。 N32926U1DN使用ARM926EJ-S内核,其内部集成的H.264 编解码器、以太网接口、JPEG解编码器、CMOS摄像头接口、32 通道的声音处理单元(SPU)、ADC、DAC和TV编码器不仅可以满足各种应用需求,还能减少生产方面物料成本。而 240MHz主频的ARM926内核与DDR2内存、H.264编解码器、AAC加速器、SDIO Host控制器和USB 2.0 Host/Device高速接口的结合,使得N32926U1DN成为流媒体方案的最佳选择。 N32926U1DN使用Linux操作系统以方便驱动程序更新或添加新的功能,例如WiFi、浏览器等。另一方面,开源代码也使得产品开发更加灵活。新唐持续对Linux系统的优化,为提供客户高性价比的音视频流媒体方案。不仅如此,其合作厂商的USB、SDIO WiFi模组也被集成用于如智能手机、平板、笔记本电脑或智能电视中的WiFi流媒体应用中。 N32926U1DN支持最大分辨率D1(720x480)的电视信号输出或 1024x768 的TFT LCD输出。随着流媒体应用的分辨率需求越来越高,H.264 视频压缩标准的高压缩比成为在带宽有限情况下的最佳选择。N32926U1DN的芯片设计为大量使用WiFi、以太网以及非标准RF等方案的流媒体应用提供高性价比的市场定位。例如在2.4GHz应用方面,提供了硬件CRC生成器和校验引擎,可以降低CPU的负载和功耗,此外,内部集成的硬件信道编码引擎如scrambler、Inter-lever、Reed-Solomon和Convolutional等编解码器,可以让让流媒体数据在2.4GHz频带上的传输更为稳定顺畅。 为了降低系统设计的复杂度和降低制造成本,N32926U1DN采用了128-pin LQFP的多芯封装,其内部堆叠了 32Mbx16 DDR2内存的多芯封装在确保高效能的同时也减少了系统设计难度,比如EMI或噪音抑制。全部的物料成本通过PCB双面板、较小的PCB空间、阻尼电阻及EMI防护元件等的减少而降低。 1 Feature - CPU *ARM926EJ-S 32-bit RISC CPU with 8KB I-Cache & 8KB D-Cache *Frequency up to 240MHz@1.2V for typical operation condition *JTAG interface supported for development and deb ing -Internal ROM and Booting *16KB IBR internal booting ROM supported *IBR booting messages displayed by UART console for deb ing supported *Different system booting modes supported: *Memory card SD card SD-to-NAND flash bridge *NAND Interface Raw NAND Flash OTP ROM (N23512T / N231GT, MXIC ExtraROM) *SPI Flash *USB Mass Storage -DRAM MCP *16Mx16 DDR2 MCP for N32925UxDN *32Mx16 DDR2 MCP for N32926UxDN -EDMA (Enhanced DMA) *Totally 11 DMA channels supported 8 peripheral DMA channels for transfer between memory and on-chip peripherals, such as ADC, UART and SPI *3 dedicated channel for memory-to-memory transfer * Byte, half-word and word data width types supported *Single and burst transfer modes supported *Block transfer supported in memory-to-memory transfer channel *Color format transformation supported in memory-to-memory transfer channel Source color format could be RGB555, RGB565 and YCbCr422 Destination color format could be RGB555, RGB565 and YCbCr422 *Auto reload supported for continuous data transfer * Interrupt generation supported in the half-of-transfer or end-of-transfer -Capture (CMOS Sensor I/F) *CCIR601 & CCIR656 interfaces supported for connection to CMOS image sensor *Resolution up to 3M pixel (Will use external USB Camera Module with ISP and MIPI ICs) * YUV422 and RGB565 color format supported for data-in from CMOS sensor * YUV422, RGB565, RGB555 and Y-only color format supported for data storing to system memory *Planar and packet data formats supported for data storing to system memory * Image cropping supported with the cropping window up to 4096x2048 *Image scaling-down supported Vertical and horizontal scaling-down for preview mode supported The scaling factor is N/M Two pairs of configurable 16-bit N and 16-bit M for vertical and horizontal scaling-down The value of N has to equal to or less than M * Frame rate control supported * Combines two interlace fields to a single frame supported for data in from TV-decoder *Supports 1280x1024@15fps CIS (PCLK up to 48MHz)

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联系人︰姜伟 (销售经理)