型号: | JAT HM6062 |
品牌: | - |
原产地: | 中国 |
类别: | 服务业 / 商业代理 / 安全产品代理 |
标签︰ | 读卡器 |
单价: |
最少订量: | - |
The HM6062 is a configurable MIFARE smart card sector data reader for customers in field. It is intended primarily for use in access control system applications. It can be configured to read data from unfixed sector of mifare card. HM6062 provide solution by using one reader to read data from different sector with different output format. The configuration can be done with a configuration card easily.
1 ) In field configurable
Easy to configure unfixed sector and different
output format( wiegan26,wiegand34 or RS232,ABA )
2 ) High security with 12 digitals system code
After configuration, only card with same
secure code can be read in same system
3 ) Self-issue card
Easy to issue card with same facility code
and sequenct or random card number
Step1 : Generate configuration card( master card )
a )define system code
b )define sector to be read
c )define output format
Step2 : Configure HM6062 with master card
reader can be re-configured with other setting
Step3 : Issue own system card
Define FC code and the first card number, after encode one card successfully, card number will be increased automatically
Full potting , waterproof;
meets ISO1443A TypeA standard;
supports Mifare card ;
2 LEDs and 1 buzzer for indication
working power : 9-15VDC;
Temperature: -30 C to +60 C ;
Humidity: 5%-95% relative humidity non-condensing
Reading distance: 4-10CM ;
Cable length: 250mm ;
Weight: 170 gram
深圳市研盛电子有限公司 | |
国家/地区︰ | 中国 |
经营性质︰ | 生产商 |
联系电话︰ | 13682683367 |
联系人︰ | 张竣友 (经理) |
最后上线︰ | 2015/04/24 |