
类别:电子、电力 / 仪器、仪表 / 光学透镜和仪器
标签︰ -
单价: -


Features of AcouLab SAM
(1) Easy to use and user friendly operation.
(2) Linear servo motor mechanism provides high speed, smooth scanning and good repeatability.
(3) Well matched, high performance ultrasonic electronics and transducers enable the user to make high resolution images.
(4) Quantitative and qualitative image analysis with advanced ScanUp and ScanAnalysis software.
(5) Multi layer view and virtual 3D from single scan.
(6) Applications in semiconductor, electronic part, bio & life science and material Testing.

Specification of SAM2500TM
Ultrasonic P/R and A/D
(1) Low noise, high performance pulser/receiver derives the ultrasonic signal of
ultra wide-bandwidth characteristics from the transducer.
(2) Frequency Range : 1 - 500MHz.
(3) Continuous High/Low Pass Filter to eliminate high & low frequency noise, step 1MHz.
(4) 2 GS/s Sampling Rate, 1 GHz Bandwidth.
Scan Axis
(1) Linear servo motor
(2) Max. Stroke : 330mm
(3) Max. Speed : 1000mm/s
(4) Repeatability : +/-0.5 micron
(5) Encoder Resolution : 0.5 micron
Index Axis
(1) Micro stepping motor with high quality lead screw
(2) Max. Stroke : 190mm
(3) Step Resolution : 1 micron
Vertical Axis
(1) Micro stepping motor with lead screw
(2) Max. Stroke 100mm
(3) Vertical Resolution 1 micron
Min. Scanning Resolution : 2 micron
Dimension : 960mm x 960mm x 1100 mm
Weight : Approx. 300Kg

Software of AcouLab SAM
ScanUp and Scan Analysis Software
- Windows XP base software for system control and image analysis
- Image Processing : Zoom In/Out, Image Inversion (B&W), Brightness and
Contrast Adjustment, Contrast Enhancement, Edge Enhancement, Filtering Options
- Automatic and manual setup
- Automatic focusing and sizing
- Pulse-echo and thru-transmission modes of operations
- A, B, C-Scan, FFT-Scan, TOF 3D display & V3DTM
- Bulk Scan for Off-line Analysis and Ultrasonic Signal Processing tool kits (optional)
- Multi-Layer Scan (Upto 20 layers), Tray Scan and Specific Area Scan
- C-Scan image for amplitude, time of flight and phase inversion
- FFT for transducer evaluation
- Size measurement of defect
- 24 bit pseudo color and black & white display
- Large Area Scanning System upto 750 x750mm
- Waterfall scanning system (optional)
- Automatic loading/unloading system(SAM2500)
- Other options are available upon request
超音波显微镜 1


国家/地区︰台湾 中国
联系人︰陈恒生 (业务副总)