PACSystems RX7i

PACSystems RX7i
类别:电子、电力 / 电气控制系统
标签︰PACSystems RX7i , IC698CPE010
单价: ¥1 / 件
最少订量:1 件



PACSystems RX7i

Part # Description
IC698ACC701 RX7i CPU Lithium Battery and Spare Door
IC698ACC720 Shielded double slot faceplate, package of six.
IC698ACC735 Shielded single slot faceplate, package of six.
IC698CHS009 RX7i 9 Slot Rear Mount Rack
IC698CHS017 RX7i 17 Slot Rack Wall (Rear) Mount
IC698CHS109 RX7i 9 Slot Rack Front Mount
IC698CHS117 RX7i 17Slot Rack Front Mount
IC698CHS217 RX7i 17 Slot Rack Rear I/O Mount
IC698CMX016 PACSystems RX7i Control Memory Xchange 16MB Memory
IC698CPE010 RX7i 300mhz CPU with Ethernet 10/100
IC698CPE020 RX7i 700mhz CPU with Ethernet 10/100
IC698CPE030 RX7i Pentium M CPU - 600mHz with 64 meg of user memory. No fan required.CPU includes built-in Ethernet with switch and 2 serial communication ports.
IC698CPE040 RX7i Pentium M CPU - 1.8Ghz with 64 meg of user memory. Fan required. CPU includes built-in Ethernet with switch and 2 serial communication ports.
IC698CRE020 PACSystems RX7i High Availability 700mHz CPU
IC698CRE020CA RX7i 700mhz Redundant CPU w/Ethernet Conformal Coated
IC698CRE030 600mHz CPU, Ethernet, Redundancy
IC698CRE040 1.8GHz CPU, Ethernet, Redundancy
IC698ETM001 RX7i Standalone Ethernet Module 10/100
IC698ETM001CA RX7i 10/100 Ethernet Module Conformal Coated
IC698PSA100 RX7i Power Supply 100Watt 85-264VAC
IC698PSA350 RX7i Power Supply 350Watt 85-264VAC
IC698PSD300 RX7i Power Supply 300Watt 24VDC
IC698RMX016 PACSystems RX7i Redundant Memory Xchange 16MB Memory

PACSystems RX7i

Part # Description
IC698ACC701 RX7i CPU Lithium Battery and Spare Door
IC698ACC720 Shielded double slot faceplate, package of six.
IC698ACC735 Shielded single slot faceplate, package of six.
IC698CHS009 RX7i 9 Slot Rear Mount Rack
IC698CHS017 RX7i 17 Slot Rack Wall (Rear) Mount
IC698CHS109 RX7i 9 Slot Rack Front Mount
IC698CHS117 RX7i 17Slot Rack Front Mount
IC698CHS217 RX7i 17 Slot Rack Rear I/O Mount
IC698CMX016 PACSystems RX7i Control Memory Xchange 16MB Memory
IC698CPE010 RX7i 300mhz CPU with Ethernet 10/100
IC698CPE020 RX7i 700mhz CPU with Ethernet 10/100
IC698CPE030 RX7i Pentium M CPU - 600mHz with 64 meg of user memory. No fan required.CPU includes built-in Ethernet with switch and 2 serial communication ports.
IC698CPE040 RX7i Pentium M CPU - 1.8Ghz with 64 meg of user memory. Fan required. CPU includes built-in Ethernet with switch and 2 serial communication ports.
IC698CRE020 PACSystems RX7i High Availability 700mHz CPU
IC698CRE020CA RX7i 700mhz Redundant CPU w/Ethernet Conformal Coated
IC698CRE030 600mHz CPU, Ethernet, Redundancy
IC698CRE040 1.8GHz CPU, Ethernet, Redundancy
IC698ETM001 RX7i Standalone Ethernet Module 10/100
IC698ETM001CA RX7i 10/100 Ethernet Module Conformal Coated
IC698PSA100 RX7i Power Supply 100Watt 85-264VAC
IC698PSA350 RX7i Power Supply 350Watt 85-264VAC
IC698PSD300 RX7i Power Supply 300Watt 24VDC
IC698RMX016 PACSystems RX7i Redundant Memory Xchange 16MB Memory

PACSystems RX7i 1


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