
品牌:Day Gems
类别:工艺、饰品 / 珠宝首饰 / 宝石首饰
标签︰ -
单价: -


Painstakingly hand carved into magnificent football pendants in detailed finish with splendid polish.

Approximate dimensions are 27 mm long x 18 mm wide. 37 ct. in weight.

This pendant comes with a copy of the lab identification report.



These natural jadeite pendants are said to help protect / aid the heart, larynx, liver, spleen, thymus, immune system, and nervous system.

They believed in the healing and spiritual benefits of jade. The Mayans used it for burial ceremonies and thought it to have spiritual powers.

Natural Jadeite is the birthstone for the month of August. Jade is an excellent stone for balance. People consider it a fortunate stone that brings good health, money, and love.

It has the ability to relieve tension, stress and insomnia while supporting the excretory system and fertility. Jade soothes migraines and burns, and has been shown to be helpful in treating conditions such as shingles, cold sores, and the flu.

Natural Jade is believed to have healing properties that help balance bodily fluids and the filtering organs of body, like the kidneys, bladder, spleen, and adrenal glands, by removing toxins. Its properties benefitskeletal and cellular systems, and help heal infections and physical injuries like stitches.



Gem reports Identification results:
Chemistry; Jadeite, NaAlSi2O6.
Crystallography; Monoclinic, though usually microscopic.
Refractive Index; Jadeite 1.64 - 1.667.
Hardness; Jadeite 6.5 – 7
Specific Gravity; Jadeite 3.25 - 3.36.
Cleavage; None
Heat Sensitive; No
Wear ability; Excellent
Special Care Instructions; None


精心手工雕刻的翡翠吊坠 1


联系人︰Simon Day (Owner)