Nylon zippers Series

Nylon zippers Series
类别:纺织、皮革 / 服装辅料 / 其他服装辅料
单价: -
最少订量:1000 件


Types of
Description Unit Zipper Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Invisible 3# Invisible zipper pieces Nylon Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Invisible 3# Invisible zipper  pieces Lace Tape
Pieces Nylon 4# Invisible 4# Invisible zipper pieces Nylon Tape
Pieces Nylon 4# Invisible 4# Invisible zipper pieces Lace Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Invisible 5# Invsible zipper pieces Nylon Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Closed -end 3# Nylon W/ Pin Lock zipper pieces Lace Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Closed -end 3# Nylon W/ Pin Lock in new style puller zipper pieces Lace Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Closed -end 3# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Closed -end 3# Nylon( Transparent top stopper and DTM
Metal buttom stopper)
pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Closed -end 3# Nylon(DTM Plastic top and bottom stopper) pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Opened-end 3# Nylon(DTM Plastic top and bottom Box) pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 3#   3# Nylon(DTM Plastic top stopper and bottom box) pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 4# Closed -end 4# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 4# Closed -end 4# Nylon (Transparent top stopper and DTM
metal bottom stopper)
pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 4# Closed -end 4# Nylon(DTM Plastic top and bottom stopper) pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 4# Opened-end 4# Nylon(DTM Plastic top and bottom box) pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 4# Opened-end 4# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Closed -end 5# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Closed -end 5# Nylon(Transparent top stopper and
DTM Metal bottom stopper
pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Closed -end 5# Nylon (DTM Plastic top and bottom stopper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon(Transparent top stopper and
DTM Metal bottom box
pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon(DTM Plastic top stopper and bottom box pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon two way zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon(DTM Plastic top stopper and bottom box
Two way
pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon zipper(Multi color tape) pieces Multi color
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon zipper (Reflect line) W/ Transparent teeth pieces Multi color
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon zipper(Rainbow teeth) pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 3# Closed -end 3# Nylon waterproof zipper pieces Waterproof 
Pieces Nylon 5# Closed -end 5# Nylon zipper pieces Waterproof 
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon zipper pieces Waterproof 
Pieces Nylon 5# Opened-end 5# Nylon rainbow teeth zipper pieces Lace Tape
Pieces Nylon 8# Closed -end 8# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 8# Opened-end 8# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 8# Opened-end 8# Nylon zipper tow way pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 8# Closed -end 8# Nylon (DTM Plastic top and bottom stopper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 8# Opened-end 8# Nylon (DTM Plastic top and bottom Box pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 8# Opened-end 8# Nylon (DTM Plastic top and bottom box) 2-way pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 10# Closed -end 10# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 10# Opened-end 10# Nylon zipper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 10# Opened-end 10# Nylon zipper two way pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 10# Closed -end 10# Nylon (DTM Plastic top and bottom stopper pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 10# Opened-end 10# Nylon (DTM Plastic top and bottom Box pieces Fabrice Tape
Pieces Nylon 10# Opened-end 10# Nylon (DTM Plastic top and bottom box) 2-way pieces Fabrice Tape
Nylon zippers Series 1Nylon zippers Series 2Nylon zippers Series 3Nylon zippers Series 4


国家/地区︰香港 特别行政区
联系人︰Raymond&minfai Pons (CEO)