
类别:建筑、装饰 / 楼宇设施
标签︰霍尼韦尔 , 楼宇自控 , 常规产品
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霍尼韦尔楼宇自控常规产品XL50-MMI-FP 小型DDC控制器(带人机界面和通讯功能)XL50-FP 小型DDC控制器(不带人机界面,带通讯功能)XL50-MMI-EP小型DDC控制器(带人机界面,不带通讯功能)XL100C XL100 DDC控制器XL50UMMIPCCBLON小型DDC控制器(带人机界面和通讯功能、可扩展输入/输出点)



XL50-MMI-FP              小型DDC控制器(带人机界面和通讯功能)

XL50-FP                 小型DDC控制器(不带人机界面,带通讯功能)

XL50-MMI-EP              小型DDC控制器(带人机界面,不带通讯功能)

XL100C                  XL100 DDC控制器

XL50UMMIPCCBLON      小型DDC控制器(带人机界面和通讯功能、可扩展输入/输出点)

99-XFR-2AC24-40         变压器

R7428A1006               多回路温湿度控制器

TB7980A1006         温度控制器

50014157-001             温度传感器

T9275A1002               单回路温度控制器

L4064K1006B         高温断路器

LF20                       风管插入式温度传感器

VF20T                    水管型插入式温度传感器

H7050B1018               风管插入式温湿度传感器

H7030A1000               室内温湿度传感器

T7460A1001               室内温度传感器  NTC 20

WFS-1001-H              水流开关

P7620A1020               水压力传感器

UEC24014M262             压差控制器

DPS400                    压差开关

DPS1000                   压差开关

DPTM1000D              压差传感器0-1000Pa, 带显示, 0-10VDC输出

DPTM50                 压差传感器 +/-50Pa, 4-20 mA输出

8550+2517                 电磁流量计

FFS-10A                 水位开关  液位开关

V5011N1040               电动二通阀DN15(铜阀塞)

V5011N1057               电动二通阀DN20

V5011P1004               电动二通阀DN25

V5011P1012               电动二通阀DN32

V5011P1020               电动二通阀DN40

V5011P1038               电动二通阀DN50

V5211F1004               电动二通阀DN65(铜)

V5211F1012               电动二通阀DN80(铜)

V5088A1005               电动二通阀DN100

V5088A1013               电动二通阀DN125

V5088A1021               电动二通阀DN150

ML7420A6033-E            PI型电动执行器

ML7421A1032-E            PI型电动执行器

ML7421B1023-E            PI型电动执行器

ML7425A3013-E            PI型电动执行器

V5011N2048               电动二通阀DN15(不锈钢阀塞)

V5011N2055               电动二通蒸汽阀DN20

V5011P2036               电动二通蒸汽阀DN25

V5011P2002               电动二通蒸汽阀DN32

V5011P2010               电动二通蒸汽阀DN40

V5011P2028               电动二通蒸汽阀DN50

V5211S1029               电动二通阀DN65

V5211S1037               电动二通阀DN80

V5211F2002               电动二通蒸汽阀DN65

V5211F2010               电动二通蒸汽阀DN80

V5013N1063              电动三通阀DN25

V5013P1002               电动三通阀DN32

V5013P1010               电动三通阀DN40

V5013P1028               电动三通阀DN50

V5329A2077               电动三通阀DN65

V5329A2085               电动三通阀DN80

V5050A2088               电动三通阀DN100

V5050A2106               电动三通阀DN125

V5050A2114               电动三通阀DN150

V4ABFW16-100-012         电动蝶阀DN100

V4ABFW16-125-012         电动蝶阀DN125

V4ABFW16-150-012         电动蝶阀DN150

V4ABFW16-200-012         电动蝶阀DN200

V4ABFW16-250-012         电动蝶阀DN250

V4ABFW16-300-012         电动蝶阀DN300

V4ABFW16-350-012         电动蝶阀DN350

V4ABFW16-100-112         电动蝶阀DN100,调节式

V4ABFW16-125-112         电动蝶阀DN125,调节式

V4ABFW16-150-112         电动蝶阀DN150,调节式

V4ABFW16-200-112         电动蝶阀DN200,调节式

V4ABFW16-250-112         电动蝶阀DN250,调节式

V4ABFW16-300-112         电动蝶阀DN300,调节式

V4ABFW16-350-112         电动蝶阀DN350,调节式

V4ABFW16-400-112         电动蝶阀DN400,调节式

V5032Y0032               Kombi-2平衡阀,DN32,螺纹联接

V5032Y0040               Kombi-2平衡阀,DN40,螺纹联接

V5032Y0050               Kombi-2平衡阀,DN50,螺纹联接

Q6371A1006              三速开关

T6373AC1108             风机盘管温控器,Heat or cool, 2-pipe

T6373BC1130             风机盘管温控器,Heat and cool, 2-pipe

T6375B1153               风机盘管温控器,Heat or cool, 4-pipe

T6800H2WN              数字式温控器(横款)

T6800V2WN              数字式温控器(竖款)

T6861H2BB                数字式温控器(蓝色,横款)

T6861V2BB                数字式温控器(蓝色,竖款)

T6861H2GG               数字式温控器(绿色,横款)

T6861V2GG               数字式温控器(绿色,竖款)

VC6013AJC1000            电动二通阀DN20,BSPP/240v/Cable,SPAT

VC6013AP1000             电动二通阀DN25,BSPP/240v/Cable

VC6013MJ6000             电动三通阀DN20,BSPT/240v/Cable

VC4013AJ1000              电动二通阀DN20,BSPP/240v/Cable,SPST

V4043C1362B         电动二通阀DN20,弹簧复位型,BSPP/220v,50Hz

V4-BLC-GP16-G065         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN65

V4-BLC-GP16-G080         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN80

V4-BLC-GP16-G100         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN100

V4-BLC-GP16-G125         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN125

V4-BLC-GP16-G150         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN150

V4-BLC-GP16-G200         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN200

V4-BLC-GP16-G250         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN250

V4-BLC-GP16-G300         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN300

V4-BLC-GP16-G350         V4 Kombi-F静态平衡阀,DN350

P906C2004                 压差控制器,输出4-20mA控制信号

V5328A1179             电动二通阀,DN65水阀,法兰连接

V5328A1187                电动二通阀,DN80水阀,法兰连接

V5328A2011                电动二通阀,DN65蒸汽阀,法兰连接

V5328A2029                电动二通阀,DN80蒸汽阀,法兰连接

V5088A2003                电动二通阀,DN100蒸汽阀,法兰连接

V5088A2011                电动二通阀,DN125蒸汽阀,法兰连接

V5088A2029                电动二通阀,DN150蒸汽阀,法兰连接

CN6105A1011               风阀驱动器,5NM,浮点控制

CN6110A1003               风阀驱动器,10NM,浮点控制

CN6120A1002               风阀驱动器,20NM,浮点控制,24vac

CN7505A2001               风阀驱动器,5NM,调节控制

CN7510A2001               风阀驱动器,10NM,调节控制

CN7220A2007               风阀驱动器,20NM,调节控制

CN7234A2008               风阀驱动器,34NM,调节控制

  XL800 控制器 XCL8010A
XCL8010A Excel 800 plant controller
  Panle I/O
XF821A 8 analog input module (Panel)
XF822A 8 analog output module (Panel)
XFR822A 8 analog output module with override (Panel)
XF823A 12 binary input module (Panel)
XF824A 6 relay output module (Panel)
XFR824A 6 relay output module with override (Panel)
XFR825A Actuator output module with override (Panel)
  Lon I/O
XFL821A 8 analog input module (LON)
XFL822A 8 analog output module (LON)
XFLR822A 8 analog output module with override (LON)
XFL823A 12 binary input module (LON)
XFL824A 6 relay output module (LON)
XFLR824A 6 relay output module with override (LON)
  Terminal socket Model
XS821-22 Terminal socket for analog input and output modules.The package includes 1 terminal socket, 1 connector bride and 1 swivel label.
XS823 Terminal socket binary input modules.The package includes 1 terminal socket, 1 connector bride and 1 swivel label.
XS824-25 Terminal socket relay output and floating output modules.The package includes 1 terminal socket, 1 connector bride, 1 cross connector and 1 swivel label.
  Accessary (Optional)
XS812 Manual disconnector module for analog input, analog output and binary input. The manual disconnector is pl ed between the terminal socket and the electronic module. It allows manual disconnection of individual signals. This is useful during start-up.
XS812RO Manual disconnector module for relay output.The manual disconnector is pl ed between the terminal socket and the electronic module. It allows manual disconnection of individual signals. This is useful during start-up.
XS814 10 auxiliary terminal blocks. The auxiliary terminal block is used for distribution of signals. It includes 2 blocks with 7 terminals which are connected to each other.
XS815 20 cross connectors (red in below figure) for connection of 6 relay commons.One cross connector is included in the terminal socket package.
XS817 40 cross connectors (red in below figure) for connection of 3 relay commons (used if voltage on relay 1…3 is different to voltage on relay 4…5)
XS816 10 bus bridges. One bus bridge is included in the terminal socket package.
XAL10 10 swivel labels. The swivel label is used to attach the application specific label printed with CARE.One swivel label is included in the terminal socket package.
XW882 XI582 cable for Excel 800 (a combination of XW586 and XW582 can be also used).
XW885 Download cable for Excel 800 (a combination of XW586 and XW585 can be also used).
XW884 Adapter cable to use XW882 and XW885 with an XL500 controller

霍尼韦尔楼宇自控常规产品 1


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