4-Q 直流脉宽调速器

4-Q 直流脉宽调速器
类别:电子、电力 / 其它电力、电子
标签︰调速器 , 马达控制器 , 电机调速器
单价: US $220.58 / set
最少订量:5 set


DC-4Q Regenerative & Braking Reversible, PWM Series DC Drive
User’s Manual
MMT-DC24RT100BL Series
MMT-DC24RT100BL series dc drive is DC-4Q Regenerative & Braking Reversible , PWM series DC Drive, it has quickly dynamic response, smooth operating, works well and perfect functions.
Pulse Width Modulation
Motor runs quieter, with greater efficiency and less maintenance, longer life.
Four Quadrant Regenerative Operation
Regenerative Braking
   No contactors required. No electromechanical components to overheat or wear out.
   Choose a function by simply opening or closing a dry contact or through an open collector transistor.
Status LEDs
Power and Fault LEDs provide a visual status of the drive.
Forward and reverse can be set separately
Output current can be set
Braking current can be set
Torque compensation function
Standard analog control mode:
   Analog:0-5V or potentiometer
Over Temperature Protection
   Drive will fold the output power back to prevent from overheating. Drive will fault if it still remains too hot.
Technical parameters
Input voltage rang
DC12RT100BL       12V Working Voltage 9V—18V
DC24RT100BL       24V   (Working Voltage 20V—62V)
DC36RT100BL       36V   (Working Voltage 20V—62V)
DC48RT100BL       48V   (Working Voltage 20V—62V)
Output Voltage
DC12RT100BL       12V
DC24RT100BL       24V
DC36RT100BL       36V
DC48RT100BL       48V
Output Current
DC12RT100BL       100A Maximum output current 220A/min
DC24RT100BL       100A Maximum output current 220A/min
DC36RT100BL       100A Maximum output current 220A/min
DC48RT100BL       100A Maximum output current 220A/min
Soft start time:        0.2—20S
Soft stop time:        0.2—20S
Analog control signal: 0—5V wired to earth ground
Signal input impedance:   200K
Speed accuracy:         1%
Speed adjustable range: 100:1
Speed Ratio:            1:80
Ambient temperature:     0- 50
Relative Humidity: Below dew point
Weight:     1.5kg
Dimension: 210*115*50 (mm)
Do not install, rewire, or remove this control with input power applied. Doing so may cause damage or serious injury. Make sure you have read and understood the Safety Warnings section before attempting installation.
                        Diagram 1
1. Mount drive in a vertical plane. If mounted in horizontally add matching power accordingly.
2. Wire a power fast input fuse between the power supply and power input terminal. The fuse should be rated at 150% of input voltage and 150 - 200% of maximum motor name­plate current.
3. Ensure correct polarity.   See diagram 1.
4. Drive components are extremely sensitive to the electromagnetostatic field, note the influence from the electromagnetostatic field.
5. Protect the drive from dirt, moisture, and accidental contact. If not please take suitable protection measures
6. Mount the drive away from other heat sources, make sure there is enough thermal space, if not please take forced draft ventilation measures. Operate the drive within the specified ambient operat­ing temperature range.
7. Avoid mounting to vibration equipment, prevent loose connections by avoiding excessive vibration of the drive.
8. Mount drive with its heat sink in a vertical plane. If heat sink is mounted horizontally then derate the drive’s output power.
9. Don’t put the input wire and output wire together, make the function control wire far away from input wire.
10. All the function wire are screening wire avoiding interference.
11. Use the suitable tools for installation and testing.
Speed adjust potentiometer
1. Enable (EN):
Close the enable to allow the motor to run at the speed set by the speed pot or input signal. Enable can control the motor stop and start.
2. Brake (BRAKE)
Close the brake terminals to brake the motor to the speed set by the MIN SPD trimpot. The amount of time the drive takes to brake the motor to MIN SPD is determined by the DECEL trimpot. The amount of braking Torque used to stop the motor is set by the REGEN CL trimpot. MIN SPD is typically set to zero speed.
3. Direction (DIR)
Close the direction terminals to change the motor direction.
4. Control mode for reference:
A. Mode 1Switching value control mode (See Diagram 2):
Diagram 2
B. Mode 2Opto-coupler and open collector control mode (See Diagram 3):
Diagram 3
Speed adjust potentiometer (See diagram 4)
                        Diagram 4
Adjust the “ACCEL” trimpot to confirm the acceleration time which it takes from the original speed to desired speed (adjustable time is 0.2-20s) See diagram 5.
Turn the ACCEL trimpot CW to increase the acceleration time, and CCW to decrease the acceleration time.
Diagram 5
Adjust DCCEL potentiometer the motor to determine the speed of decline in the slope from the highest to the lowest speed (that is fall time, set time adjustable 0.2-20 seconds). See diagram 6.
Note: Adjust the DECEL trimpot until the desired deceleration time is reached. Turn the DECEL trimpot CW to increase the deceleration time, and CCW to decrease the deceleration time.
Diagram 6
The MIN SPD setting determines the motor speed when the speed adjust potentiometer is turned full CCW or when the BRAKE is closed. It is factory set for zero speed.
Adjust the “REV MAX SP” to send the REVERSE direction desired maximum speed (the function can be also used to limit the motor’s maximum speed). Rotate CW to raise the REVERSE direction speed.
Adjust the “FWD MAX SP” to send the FORWARD direction desired maximum speed (the function can be also used to limit the motor’s maximum speed). Rotate CW to raise the FORWARD direction speed.
The REGENERATIVE CURRENT LIMIT setting determines the maximum armature current available for braking. Set the REGEN CL based on the desired amount of braking. Slowly adjust the REGEN CL trimpot CW to raise the regenerative braking current.
Adjust “MOTOR CL” potentiometer to limit the maximum output current, it is determined by motor rated current,. Please set suitable current, otherwise it will cause motor torque
Lose and the over-current protection. Adjust the “MOTOR CL” CW to raise output current.
The MOTOR CURRENT LIMIT setting determines the maximum armature current output of the drive.
NOTE: The output current of the drive is usually larger than 1.5-2 times of the motor rate current. Long time over rated current working conditions is not permitted, otherwise the motor will be broke down.
Recalibrate the MOTOR CL setting when a lower current limit is required. Refer to the MOTOR CL settings, recalibrate using the following procedure:
1. With the power disconnected from the control, connect a DC ammeter in series with the armature.
2. Set the MOTOR CL trimpot to minimum (full CCW).
3. Set the speed adjust potentiometer to maximum (full CW).
4. Carefully lock the motor armature. Be sure that the motor is firmly mounted.
5. Apply line power. The motor should be stopped.
6. Slowly adjust the MOTOR CL trimpot CW slowly until the armature current is 150-200% of motor rated armature current.
7. Set the speed adjust potentiometer, or input voltage to minimum.
8. Remove the power from the drive and unlock the motor shaft.
9. Remove the ammeter in series with the motor armature if it is no longer needed and re-apply power to the drive.
The IR COMP setting determines the degree to which motor speed is held constant as the motor load changes. It is factory set for no compensation.
Use the following procedure to recalibrate the IR COMP setting:
1. Set the IR COMP trimpot to minimum (full CCW).
2. Rotate the speed adjust potentiometer until the motor runs at midspeed without load (for example, 900 RPM for an 1800 RPM motor). A hand held tachometer may be used to measure motor speed.
3. Load the motor armature to its full load armature current rating. The motor should slow down.
4. While keeping the load on the motor, rotate the IR COMP trimpot until the motor runs at the speed no-load 900rpm.
5. Unload the motor.
Note: If the motor oscillates (overcompensation), the IR COMP trimpot may be set too high (CW). Turn the IR COMP trimpot CCW to stabilize the motor. And if the motor’s speed on load reduce, the IR COMP trimpot may be set too low.
1. Verify battery pack connections to the drive. Check for proper polarity. Incorrect polarity will damage the drive. Check the the input power is suitable rang.
2. Verify that no foreign conductive material is present on the printed circuit board. Protect the drive from dirt, moisture, and accidental contact.
3. Check the surrounding connecting line is correct, ensure that there is no short-circuit and earthing connections, (the correct way of wiring see Figure 1)
4. The external speed potentiometer to determine the minimum position (Given signal is 0 state)
LED specification:
1. L1(Green:Power Indicator
2. L2(Red): Fault Indicators are as follow
LED Codes
The drive is receiving battery voltage
The drive is in Current Limit.
-Two Blinks
The drive is in an Under Voltage Trip.
-Three Blinks
The drive is in an Over Voltage Trip.
-Four Blinks
The drive is in a Short Circuit Trip.
-Five Blinks
The drive is in an Overheat Trip.
Mounting Dimension
4-Q 直流脉宽调速器 14-Q 直流脉宽调速器 24-Q 直流脉宽调速器 3


联系人︰王女士 (销售)
