针型阀具有安装拆卸方便、连接紧固、有利于防火、防爆和耐压能力高、密封性能良好等优点,是电站、炼油、化工装置和仪表测量管路中的一种先进连接方式的阀门。针型阀的密封性良好,使用寿命长,即使密封面损坏后,也只需要更换易损零件,即可继续使用。安装针型阀时应使介质的流向与阀体上的箭头方向一致。手动截止阀、球阀可安装在管路的任何位置上。针型阀是一种可以精确调整的阀门用途较广,比如火焰切割用的割距,调整火焰温度的旋钮就是针型阀,仪表针型阀是仪表测量管路系统中重要组成部分,主要有截止阀和球阀,其功用是作开启或切断管道通路用。任何阀门的作用都是为了切断流体. 根据阀芯的不同,可以分为截止阀,闸板阀,旋塞阀,球阀,碟形阀,针型阀等等. 针型阀的阀芯就是一个很尖的圆锥体,好象针一样插入阀座,由此得名. 针型阀形比其他类型的阀门能够耐受更大的压力,密封性能好,所以一般用于较小流量,较高压力的气体或者液体介质的密封.针型阀形与压力表配合使用是最合适的了.一般的针型阀形都做成螺纹连接。
The German FRING valve is of the Asian and Pacific area fluid control domain one of main production and suppliers, the Base company is located at Frankfurt, the company devotes to the scientific research development fluid control valve, the production fluid control device system, has the production valve base in many countries. The company product s user involves the petroleum, the chemical industry, the electric power, the metallurgy, the drugs manufacture, food, the water treatment, the municipal administration to give draining water, the natural gas, the papermaking, the electronics industry, the building, the mechanical device necess, ary and so on domains.
The German FRING valve main product includes: Electrically operated valve, air operated valve, high temperature high pressure valve, ball valve, gate valve, reed valve, cut-off valve, check valve, regulating valve, solenoid valve, safety valve, needle valve, condensate trap |、 The draining valve, the stopcock, the diaphragm valve, the duck mouth valve, puts the material valve, the discharge valve, the respiration valve, the filter, the fire barrier, the throttle valve, the angle place valve, the by-pass valve, the wash water valve, the mud valve, the trip valve, the pressure relief valve, the tube to clamp the valve, the plunger valve, the bottom valve, to regard the mirror, the flange, the water power control valve, and so on serial productses.
电话:021-31265668 联系人:陈深安