PolyOneTM SOLAR T Wire & Cable system is a Low Smoke and Fume Zero Halogen (LSFOH)
solution package for photovoltaic cable application. Used as both primary and secondary
insulation, this solution package enables your photovoltaic cables to meet the latest TÜV
2pfg1169.08.2007 specification.
The following systems provide you with an appropriate solution for each part of the cable:
PolyOneTM SOLAR T Natural wire & cable system includes all necessary components for your
cable production, mainly for the primary insulation layer being a non-colored:
• 97% ECCOH™ SOLAR T compound
• 3% OnCapTM SOLAR Dry Silane Concentrate
PolyOneTM SOLAR T Black, Red or Blue wire & cable systems include all necessary components
for your cable production, mainly for the secondary insulation layer (also called sheathing):
• 94.5% ECCOH™ SOLAR T compound
• 3% OnCapTM SOLAR Dry Silane Concentrate
• 2.5%OnColor™ SOLAR Black concentrate, SmartBatch™ SOLAR Blue concentrate or ,
SmartBatch™ SOLAR Red concentrate depending on the required color of your cable.
PolyOneTM SOLAR T wire & cable system has been developed to fulfil TÜV requirements, the
required UV resistance is provided by OnColor™ and SmartBatch™ concentrate with an
excellent dispersion level. This solution also has an excellent flexibility with high resistance to
heat and good flame retardancy