
类别:服务业 / 旅游 / 旅游用品
标签︰博物馆 , 导游机 , 多语言
单价: ¥1500 / 件
最少订量:10 件


 Cuckoo Guide (Video Function)

Are you someone who does not like fixed museum tours or have you always had your exhibition viewing experience rudely interrupted by inconsiderate visitors? Maybe you just want to take your time to immense yourself in the rich information presented by the exhibits but finds that there is not enough shown or too much information has gone by too fast in guided tours.The CuckooGuide Video puts the power and right to explore, analyze and learn at your individual time and pace, all in your own hands.   
CuckooGuide Video is a wireless, multimedia guidance system. Visitors will carry an ultra lightweight but sturdy player that sits in their palms with comfort. The player consists of an easy-to-use interface where it can be switched on with a push of a thumb and visitors can make volume and language adjustment through its touch screen navigation with ease. Visitors can view related photos, videos, listen to the audio guide and log on to a network to read reviews or leave comments on a specific exhibit. It runs on an internal rechargeable battery and its mini USB port charges the player and allows data transfer.   
CuckooGuide Video's intuitive system not only allows visitors to make volume adjustments, it also allows them to move backward or skip forward to the next exhibit in sequence by pressing the forward or backward button. Catering to the individual learning pace of each visitor, they can simply pause and play or replay the information over again to their individual preference. As different people from different countries visit exhibitions, CuckooGuide Video allows flexible change of output language and visitors can switch within a variety of different languages as provided by the exhibitor.  
The CuckooGuide Video makes exhibition visiting not just convenient but also fun and interactive as it uses multimedia and online social networking. CuckooGuide Video can work in three different ways. It can work by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) which activates an exhibit's page with a simple act of tapping the player against designated points at exhibits. Visitors can also select from a table of contents available for the information of a certain exhibit that they wish to view. Another method is to input the exhibit identification number available on the exhibit to go to its page.  
On activation, the desired exhibit's page will appear on CuckooGuide Video. From the exhibit's page, visitors can choose from the multi channels of media for information on the exhibit that consists of related video guides, audio guides and photos provided by the exhibitor. At exhibitions equipped with WiFi, users can access a central network and tap into interactive media like FaceBook to access the FaceBook group or page of the specific exhibit. Not only can visitors input their comments of the exhibit on the exhibit's page, they can also view comments and reviews written by other visitors all at one place, with the convenience of one device. Visitors can also link to other related exhibits or sources of information through helpful links on the interface. 
The ways CuckooGuide Video can benefit visitors are almost countless. Visitors no longer have to go through fixed routes or be interrupted by other visitors or loud background noises. Information reaches the visitor clearly and directly through the earphones and a personal touch screen. Visitors of language backgrounds can view exhibits together while explanation is done with their own players, set to their individual preferred language and pace without the need of interpretation that a guide has to make on an exhibit repeatedly. As exhibits may present a huge amount of information, visitors can repeat explanations again and again to understand at their own pace. CuckooGuide Video's user-friendly interface crosses language boundaries and is easy to understand and operate.  
There are no limits to the possibilities that exhibitors can capitalize on. While it is visually appealing and simple to use, CuckooGuide Video is also highly flexible and interactive based on the museum's programmes. As a variety of languages can be used for information output, exhibitors can cater to different visitors without the need of different interpreters or guides. There is no need to worry about interruption of information or miscommunication as visitors receives information through an audio-visual personal device which also gives visitors a more intimate encounter with the exhibits. Using CuckooGuide Video, exhibitors can expect increased visitors as with its WiFi function, visitors can view a certain exhibit and recommend to their friends instantly. With its WiFi function, the possibilities for exhibitors are endless as features can be customized to the needs of the exhibition.
CuckooGuide empowers visitors to enjoy exhibits at their own pace by not being constrained to a fixed route and provides them an interactive and unique learning experience in an unrestricted manner.  
布谷鸟视频导游机 1


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