Technical parameters:
1. 试片: 直径16mm, 厚度6~15mm;
size of sample: diameter of 16mm and thickness of 6-15mm
2. 夹具荷重:2.5N;
Weight of holder: 2.5N
3. 砝码: 2.5N 和 5N 各一个
Weight: 2.5N and 5N, each one piece
4. 夹具横向位移量: 4.2mm/滚动每圈
Holder moving speed by cross: 4.2
5. 滚轮直径: 150mm
Diameter of cylinder: 150mm
6. 滚轮长度: 460mm;
Length of cylinder: 460mm
7. 滚轮速度:40rpm (可调节)
Speed of Cylinder: 40 rpm (can be adjustable)
8. 行程设定: 40m/20m;
Setting the trip: 40m/20m
9. 磨耗速度: 0.32m/sec.
Abrasion speed: 0.32m/sec
10. 倾角: 3度 (试片支援轴与滚轮垂直面夹角)
degree of 3 which between the support of sample and vertical face of the cylinder)
11. 电源: 220V/AC, 3A
power: 220V/AC, 3A