Air Duct UV Ultraviolet Germic

Air Duct UV Ultraviolet Germicidal Air Purifier Dual YUP357
型号:DUAL YUP357
类别:电器、照明 / 空气净化器
标签︰HVAC , 紫外线杀菌灯管 , LIGHT
单价: -
最少订量:10 件


If you are like most people you wash your hands throughout the day. The food you eat has been cleaned and won’t make you sick. The water that flows from your tap has been treated and is free from bacteria, viruses and other organisms. Why would you treat the air inside your home any differently?

The air in your home is constantly circulating in your ducts. Your air filter catches the dust and dirt, but what about everything else? Dark, moist parts of the system can harbor mold, fungus and sludge which can affect your health as well as reduce the efficiency of your system. These undesirable organisms multiply around the clock and out of sight.

Proven Technology

Ultraviolet (UV) Germicidal Lamp technology has been safely used to sanitize the air in hospitals, clinics and food plants for more than 75 years. For over 20 years businesses and homes have been using UV light for the same purpose.

Today Germicidal Light is required in public buildings as per the Facilities Standards for Public Buildings

For Allergy Sufferers

Bacteria and other living organisms can cause respiratory problems, tiredness, achy and watery eyes, as well as other illnesses and discomforts. Your indoor air allergies are probably caused by creatures surviving in your home heating and cooling system. You can stop mold, fungus and sludge and other DNA based bacteria in your system with the installation of the YUPguard UV Cleanser. You’ll feel better with clean air and the knowledge that your heating and cooling system isn't housing undesirable organisms.

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联系人︰ALEX (总经理)