類別:電子、電力 / 電子元器件 / 集成電路
標籤︰ -
單價: -
最少訂量:5 件


AD549JHZ this level of integration is perfect for the emerging and constantly changing products and standards in the car infotainment and multimedia segments, the ad830 is suited for general purpose signal processing from dc to 10 mhz, all versions are fully specified for operation from . and selectable full scale and zero offset voltages, low sample-to-hold offset, each event consists of a programmable timing edge and a stil-compatible (ieee standard 1450-1999) set, and an 8/16-bit nand flash controller. the default switching frequency is 300khz (fs_sync to ground), the st7lite49m features flash memory with byte-by-byte in-circuit programming (icp) and in-application programming (iap) capability, this solution avoids the complicated hardware and software overhead necessary to implement iap, a 2-wire serial interface is used which operates at clock rates up to 400 khz. input offset voltage of the op-271 is under 200, the family of products provides an upgrade for the max691a/93a/800m family of products, this interface allows the host to determine accurate battery status for effective system power management and for communication to the end user, the input information is contained in the output stream as a density of ones with a data rate up to 20 mhz.

  • NTSC制式差分相位:0.76 °
  • 超低噪聲0.9 NV /√Hz的2.4 PA /√Hz的1.2 NV /√HZ @ 10赫茲
  • 軟件可選的輸入範圍:“?10V,”?5V,“?2.5V,0到1
  • 寬電源電壓範圍:+5 V至±5 V
  • VL引腳的兼容性,在混合電壓系統調整的兼容性較低的電源電壓邏輯的邏輯輸出和輸入閾值
  • 低噪音8 NV /√Hz的@ 1 kHz的0.25
  • 獨立驅動半橋或全橋配置4個N溝道FET
  • 具有1/8” 插孔連接器的AD1854 96 KHz立體聲ADC
  • 放大器輸出電流:35毫安連續,250毫安高峰
  • 關斷隔離(100MHz的)85分貝
  • 單通道和雙通道DDR存儲器電源系統
  • 功率1.4 W時,諧波失真均小於1%(ALC關斷)
  • ISL8120IRZEC和可編程移相控制分兩個階段進行之間的可編程時鐘輸出信號的相移
  • 亮度/色度分離視頻(S -視頻)
  • 射頻; output端的本振洩漏:-40 dBm的
  • 功耗:73 mW/通道 (總計290 mW )
  • 32 - QFN封裝(5毫米,5毫米
  • 在音頻和家庭娛樂系統增益控制
  • 100 PS通過交換機的傳輸延遲
  • 14位直接IF DAC(通道TxDAC +
  • 典型輸出上升/下降:500 ps
  • 在VS = 2.5V低功耗:0.55毫瓦
  • 出色的失真特性: 無雜散動態範圍(SFDR):95 dBc (1 MHz)
  • 微處理器電壓識別輸入動態VID技術5位VID輸入1.100V到1.850V以25mV步驟

AD549JHZ  1


聯繫人︰李義波 (銷售工程師)