IS2D xx P03 / P04傾角傳感器GEMAC德國
2-dimensional inclination sensors with
measurementran ge:+100/+450/+60。
(depending on type)
High resolution and accuracy
Comfortable CAN bus interface
- Freely selectable IDs
- Baud rates from 10 kBit/s t0 1 MBit/s
High sampling rate and bandwidth
Figure similarly
Programmable vibration suppression
- Angle request and cyclical output
- Comfortable setting of parameters
- Configurable cut-off frequency (digital filter)
Four freely configurable, potential-free switching outputs (type IS2D xx P04 0nly)
Robust, simply mountable aluminium housing
Suitable for industrial use:
- Temperature range: -40 0C to +80 0C
- Degree of protection: IP65/67
The 2-dimensional inclination sensors IS2D xx P03 / P04 enable, according to the type, the meas-
urement of inclinations in the ranges +100, +450 0r +600. To guarantee a high accuracy the zero
point and full-scale readings are calibrated factory-made at 250C. The adaption to an individual
measurement range is possible on request.
The inclination sensor IS2D xx P04 includes four freely configurable, potential-free switching out-
puts and can also be used as transducer in control systems without connection to the CAN bus.
The compact and robust design makes the sensor a suitable angle measurement device in rough
surroundings for different applications in industry and automotive technology. A simple setting of all
parameters which are stored in the internal permanent memory is possible by the CAN bus inter-