imatest Master

imatest Master
品牌:Imatest LCC(美國)
類別:電子、電力 / 儀器、儀表 / 光學透鏡和儀器
標籤︰ -
單價: -


imatest Master(企業授權版)

Measure device sharpness (MTF), perceptual sharpness (SQF), color response, noise, dynamic range, tonal response, lens flare (veiling glare), lens distortion, lens vignetting, and sensor nonuniformity with SFR, Colorcheck, Multicharts, Stepchart, Distortion, and Light Falloff. Imatest是美國Imatest LCC公司開發的專業數碼影響評測軟件,涵蓋了MTF、SQF、SFR 、色彩還原、雜訊、動態範圍等圖像指標測試,兼用於數碼相機、打印機、掃描儀等進行完整測試內容。軟件系統建立于著名的工程數學運算平台Matalab,具有相當高的可靠性,製圖內容相當有深度。
 Imatest master是完全功能的軟件,即可用於檢測數字相機、攝像機、工業相機拍攝的圖像質量,也可用於交流檢測結果。其功能包括:
·SFR: 配合測試卡,可檢測相機和鏡頭的銳度,噪音,色差。可以在相對條件下比較不同相機的表現。比較的最小區域可達10X10個像素。
·Uniformity:檢測鏡頭的光分散(格暈光闌),檢測多種圖像傳感器的不均勻性,包括色彩陰影,具體的噪音分部,可見的不均勻性,灰塵污點。標識出有問題的像素。 顯示選項包括疊生在圖像上的輪廓線,或偽彩色的色條。
·Test Charts:可以生成圖像文件用打于打印測試圖。生成的測試卡包括SFR斜邊圖像,星形測試圖,各種頻率和反差的圖樣。可選項包括:反差,高光色彩,正弦線和條紋模式。可輸出位圖或 可綻放矢量圖 (SVG)。

Imatest IT

用途:圖像質量分析、相機檢測、鏡頭檢測 應用行業:攝影、攝像、工業視覺、科研 簡介: ImatestIT軟件是一套專門用於檢測圖像質量的控制系統,與Imatest Master聯合使用。使用Imatest IT,你可以在生產線上使用與研究室中相同的檢測引擎來測量圖像質量。 Imatest IT是一套獨立運行的DOS程序,由檢測系統調用。它們與Imatest Master有相同的功能。但是他們可以自動運行,不需要使用者的介入,適合於在全自動系統中使用。此檢測系統通過DS命令行與IT程序互動,輸入的是圖像文件和INI控制文件,輸出文件XML或可讀的Excel文件.CSV格式。如果需要也可以保存圖表。儘管ImatestIT可以獨立運行,但我們強烈建議使用者應同時安裝有Imatest Master軟件。 Imatest IT EXE 軟件包,包括5個 DOS 可執行程序: 色彩檢測(Colorcheck) 畸變(Distortion) SFR (but not SFRplus) 階調(Stepchart) 均勻度(Uniformity)

Imatest IT is available in two versions: IT/DLL and IT/EXE. Both versions, described below, have the same functionality as the corresponding modules in Imatest Master, but they operate without user intervention, making them suitable for integration with automated systems. Although IT/DLL and IT/EXE operate independently of Imatest Master, it is strongly recommended that IT/DLL users have at least one Master installation on site to support the process of defining execution parameters and default settings.


Imatest IT/DLL is a software library designed for integration with other software systems. Imatest IT/DLL allows developers to access Imatest’s powerful analysis tools via calls to Imatest functions residing in a Dynamic Link Library (DLL).

Imatest IT/DLL is a complete package featuring not only the module libraries, but also extensive support documentation including detailed function definitions and sample code, as well as basic example programs that interface with modules.

As shown in the diagram to the right, IT/DLL takes image files as input, returns customizable test results, and outputs detailed test result files. Imatest IT/DLL is linked to other software programs and function calls are executed to invoke desired image analysis algorithms.

Detailed instructions on using IT/DLL are available upon request.

Imatest IT/EXE is a set of standalone programs initiated by DOS calls from the test system. IT/EXE modules are represented by the blue box in the figure on the right. The test system interacts with the IT programs through files specified in the DOS command line: the primary inputs are an image file and an INI control file (created and saved by Imatest Master during setup). The output is data files in XML or Excel-readable .CSV format. Figures can be saved if desired.


imatest Studio 僅供個人授權版

Imatest是美國Imatest LCC公司開發的專業數碼影響評測軟件,涵蓋了MTF、SQF、SFR 、色彩還原、雜訊、動態範圍等圖像指標測試,兼用於數碼相機、打印機、掃描儀等進行完整測試內容。軟件系統建立于著名的工程數學運算平台Matalab,具有相當高的可靠性,製圖內容相當有深度。

Imatest Studio has all the measurements the individual photo enthusiast needs to test his or her cameras or lenses. It contains many of Imatest Master’s
 sophisticated features while remaining an affordable choice for individual photographers.


Gamutvision 色彩分析評估軟件

Who needs Gamutvision? – Photographers: professional and prosumer – Manufacturers and reviewers of printers, papers, and profiles – Graphic arts studios and print shops – Students of photography and color management 用途:圖像質量分析、打印檢測 應用行業:攝影、攝像、工業視覺、科研

Gamutvision™ is a gamut viewer and much more. It is a powerful tool for learning color management, exploring its functions, and proofing color workflows.

What can you do with Gamutvision?

View gamuts of color spaces, displays, and printers.  
Visualize gamut mappings and rendering intents.
View color response for ANY saturation and lightness level, not just the gamut surface.
Evaluate ICC profile quality. 
Preview printer, paper, and photo lab performance using downloaded profiles. 
Analyze the performance of your printer using scanned test prints. 
See precisely how image colors will change

Image Sensor(IS) Edition

Imatest’s IS Edition, which has all the features of Imatest Master, also offers the ability to load images directly from Aptina’s Demo Camera Software, DevWare, and from OmniVision’s OVTA Tool 2009. This eliminates the need to capture images separately and load them individually into Imatest, dramatically improving productivity. Using the SFRplus capability of Imatest, and the SFRplus test chart, the process of configuring image sensors with DevWare or OVTA Tool 2009 is easier and faster than ever. Imatest邀請 Aptina DevSuite的用戶使用具有DevWare功能的Imatest軟件。除了Imatest Master軟件的全部功能之外,具有DevWare功能的Imatest軟件還提供了直接從Aptina Imaging公司的相機軟件Devware或者OmniVision的OVTA 2009工具軟件中導入圖像的功能。這樣減少了分別採集圖像,再置入Imatest軟件的過程,極大的提高了效率。 最新版的Imatest支持SFRplus功能,與SFRplus測試卡同時使用。在檢測CMOS圖像傳感器時比以往更加快速。

For a guide to getting up and running with the IS Edition, including installation and a walkthrough for communicating with image sensor software packages, click here.

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聯繫人︰陳歡 (採購)