
類別:電腦、影音數碼 / 攝影器材 / 其它攝影器材
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最少訂量:1 件


品名:ITE ball chart 


1. This chart is used for the measurement of the geometric picture distortion of the television camera. 2. As for ball total number, 158 double rings the lengthwise 14 line, have become arrangement of cross direction 17 line, in horizontal direction approximately 2/25h, it is arranged into vertical direction at the distance of approximately 1/14h. 3. As for size of ball, (1) Outer part ring  Outside circular radius: 2/100h (2%)  The inside circular radius: 1.5/100h (1.5%) (2) The inside ring  Outside circular radius: 1/100h (1%)  The inside circular radius: 0.5/100h (0.5%)

品名:ITE I type gray scale chart


1. Reflectance ratio and density of the gray scale are shown on de
scription below. 

Step number1
Reflectance ratio
83.074.9 66.8 58.7 50.642.534.4  26.3 18.210.1 2.018.0
Transmissivity or

品名:ITE arrow car chart


1. As for resolving power of the image pickup device and the especially camera tube image pickup doing the stripe of the identical TV book, there are times when difference appears due to the inclination of the stripe. This is the phenomenon which occurs from the fact that the resolution aperture of the camera tube is ellipse. 2. As for the arrow car chart, the stripe of black and white wedge condition is arranged into circle in every 2 times, 1/1500h (as for h height of the chart) circle of line width is indicated in the position where it is suitable to the 200TV book, the 400TV book and the 800TV book.

品名:Test chart K


1. As for this test chart, with the test chart in order to measure the horizontal resolution of the image pickup device mainly, the black and white stripe which from image frequency 0.5MHz is suitable to 6MHz has lined up vertically. The back is 50% gray

品名:hyperbolic zone plate chart


1. The hyperbolic zone plate chart (HZP) true to its name has consisted from many equilateral hyperbolas. As for HZP besides the fact that x, the relationship of y has become opposite vis-a-vis CZP, there is no change in being linear sweep of 2 dimensions. (1) Appraisal of resolution (AR) (2) Appraisal of sampling quality (3) You use for the appraisal of dynamic resolution.

品名:ITE aperture response chart

1. When Modulation Transfer Function (below MTF and abbreviation) is applied to resolution appraisal of the image pickup device, MTF of resolution contrast of the chart, is an advantage where it can express with the product of MTF of each element such as lens, image pickup device and amplifier. 2. When using the rectangular chart, resolution of the image pickup device generally is expressed as Amplitude Response (below AR and abbreviation). 3. It is the aperture response chart in order to measure the influence of the astigmatism of AR and the resolution aperture

品名:ITE II type gray scale chart


1. Reflectance ratio and density of the gray scale are shown on de
scription below. 


Step number1234567891011Back
Reflectance ratio
Transmissivity or

品名:ITE circular zone plate


1. When the circular zone plate chart (CZP) angle of view image pickup it does all the way, it becomes linear sweep to the horizontal resolution 600TV book and the vertical resolution 450TV book. (1) resolution (AR) appraisal (2) you use for the appraisal of sampling quality.

品名:EIAJ test chart J


1. Reflectance ratio or transmissivity of the black part 3%, or less in the white part makes 80% or more. 2. As for the central white part in the square of 3/10h, as for central position it matches the center of the test chart.

品名:EIAJ test chart I

1. Mass eye: Around 1/18h 1/36h 2. Great circle diameter: 5/6h center center of chart 3. Small circle diameter: 1/4h center from corner 3/18h 4. Line weight: 1/576h

品名:EIAJ test chart F


1. Reflectance ratio or transmissivity of the black part 3%, or less in the white part makes 80% or more. 2. As for the central white part with ten shape ofs character of 3/10h, as for central position it matches the center of the test chart.

品名:EIAJ test chart H


1. Between every other (1) interval 315KHz of horizontal direction (approximately 2/25h) (2) interval 900Hz of vertical direction (approximately 1/14h)

品名:EIAJ test chart E


1. Size of circle, distance between mutual is as mentioned below. (1) circle outside ball: Radius 2/100h (2%) (2) circle inside ball: Radius 1/100h (1%) (3) ball interval Horizontal direction 315KHz (approximately 2/25h) Vertical direction 900Hz (approximately 1/14h)

品名:EIAJ test chart D


1. It is the test chart which is used for mark test. 2. It is divided to the next 2 territories. (1) as for territory I inside circle of diameter h (2) as for the territory II the remaining part which excludes the territory I 3. The division line of the territory uses the if possible thin line

品名:EIAJ test chart C1 (γ =1.0)


1. Referring to transmissivity or reflectance ratio of each grey scale the below-mentioned chart


Step number123456789Back
Transmissivity or
Reflectance ratio
60.0% 41.3%   28.4% 19.5% 13.4%    9.2% 6.3%   4.4% 3.0%12.0%

品名:EIAJ test chart C2 (γ =0.45)

1. Referring to transmissivity or reflectance ratio of each grey scale the below-mentioned chart
Step number123456789Back
Transmissivity or
Reflectance ratio

品名:EIAJ test chart B2


1. The value which corresponds to quantity of each TV is as mentioned below. 2. The value of h in the chart substitutes the height 180 of the test chart effective section. 3. As for transmissivity the white part does 83% or more, the black part 3% or less, as for the back gland 50%.

Quantity of TV1001502003004005006007001000
Width1/100h1/150h1/200h1/300h1/400h1/500h1/600h 1/800h1/1000h

品名:EIAJ test chart B1


1. The value which corresponds to quantity of each TV is as mentioned below. 2. The value of h in the chart substitutes the height 180 of the test chart effective section. 3. As for transmissivity the white part does 83% or more, the black part 3% or less, as for the back gland 50%.


1. The beige chart is something in order to appraise the reproducibility of the beige which is one of the most
important color when color reappearance of the color telecamera is stipulated. 2. Using the beige chart, before doing picture quality appraisal, you verify that white balance is just obtained making use of the grey scale. 3. The beige chart becomes only transmitted type and reflected type becomes special specification.

品名:EIAJ test chart A


1. This test chart has become identical standard with the resolution chart of ITE standard. 2. (1) resolution (2) streaking (3) linking (4) interlaced scanning (5) shading (6) linearity of scan (7) Aspect ratio of scan (8) the alignment (9) you can appraise gradation. 3. Transmissivity or reflectance ratio of the main part is shown below. (1) transmissivity of white inside great circle or reflectance ratio 60% or more (2) transmissivity or reflectance ratio 40 5% of background outside±great circle (3) referring to transmissivity or reflectance ratio of the grey scale the below-mentioned chart

Step number12345678910
Transmissivity or
Reflectance ratio
60% or more60.0%41.7%28.2%19.5%13.5%9.3%6.3%4.4%3.0%



The TE253 is designed for checking resolution. The chart contains a radially sine modulated Siemens star in the center of the image, gray patches and black squares with a small white square in it.



The TE123 is designed for measuring the behaviour of the chrominance channel expressed as the signal-to-noise ratio.

品名:ITE BBC zone plate chart

1. With the zone plate chart of 525 these systems which England BBC developed, in order to be able to do measurement concerning the section on the picture, five circular patterns are formed. Usage does the appraisal which is similar to the circular zone plate.

品名:ITE RCA P-300 chart

1. Shape of the resolution aperture of the camera tube was measured from the American RCA corporation, the effective amplitude response, asymmetry, the system which is defined with three parameters of MTF exponent was proposed resolution. 2. This chart is formed from the slanted stripe in order to obtain MTF exponent K and the slanted stripe in order to obtain the resolution aperture. As for the slanted stripe in order to obtain MTF exponent K, tilt angle of skew 30 degrees fixed is the stripe which is suitable to 100 - 600TV book. On the one hand, the slanted stripe in order to obtain the resolution aperture tilt angle of skew is the stripe which is suitable to the 400TV book of the degree of ±22.5, the degree of ±45, the degree of ±67.5 and 90 degrees vis-a-vis scanning line direction.

品名:ITE RCA P-200 chart


1. Shape of the resolution aperture of the camera tube was measured from the American RCA corporation, the effective amplitude response, asymmetry, the system which is defined with three parameters of MTF exponent was proposed resolution. 2. This chart is formed from the slanted stripe in order to obtain MTF exponent K and the slanted stripe in order to obtain the resolution aperture. The slanted stripe in order to obtain MTF exponent K is the stripe which is suitable to 28 - 1500TV book

品名:half tone resolution chart


1. Resolution quality of the image pickup device measures the stripe of the light and darkness as subject, but amplitude modulation factor differs depending upon the direction and the light intensity of inclination of the stripe eye. In addition, also influence of Γ quality of the device is large. This chart catches these phenomena comprehensively, they are useful ones in measurement, appraisal and adjustment of the image pickup device and the signal processing circuit. 2. (1) Black and white pattern of vertical direction Because the color carrier of the usual single tube type color camera is 3.5 - 4.5MHz, it made the 350TV book. (2) The right and the left inclined black and white pattern The tilt angle of skew left and right it tried to be able to obtain the 350TV book with the ±20°. (3) Black and white density


品名:half tone resolution chart


1. Resolution quality of the image pickup device measures the stripe of the light and darkness as subject, but amplitude modulation factor differs depending upon the direction and the light intensity of inclination of the stripe eye. In addition, also influence of Γ quality of the device is large. This chart catches these phenomena comprehensively, they are useful ones in measurement, appraisal and adjustment of the image pickup device and the signal processing circuit. 2. (1) Black and white pattern of vertical direction Because the color carrier of the usual single tube type color camera is 3.5 - 4.5MHz, it made the 350TV book. (2) The right and the left inclined black and white pattern The tilt angle of skew left and right it tried to be able to obtain the 350TV book with the ±20°. (3) Black and white density

品名:畸變測試玻璃板ITE Registration Chart

1.Horizontal and Vertical Spaces:1/18h  Outer Space:1/36h
2.Diameter of large circle:5/6h  Center of the circle is the center the chart
3.Diameter of small circle:1/4h  Center of the circle is 3/18 h from the corner of the chart
4.Thickness of the line:1/576h
攝像頭測試卡(透射式) 1攝像頭測試卡(透射式) 2攝像頭測試卡(透射式) 3攝像頭測試卡(透射式) 4攝像頭測試卡(透射式) 5


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