BTC 2125M-80%

BTC 2125M-80%
型號:BTC 2125 M80
類別:化工 / 其他聚合物
標籤︰BTC2125M-80% , 2125M-80% , STEPAN
單價: -
最少訂量:181 kg


BTC 2125M-80%

BTC 2125M-80% products are cationic material only for formulation into antimicrobial products for use in: agricultural/farm premises, structures, buildings, and equipment; dairy farm milk handling facilities, equipment, storage rooms, houses, and sheds; food processing plant, food handling, food distribution equipment and premises; mushroom houses/empty premises and equipment; egg handling equipment and rooms, egg washing treatment; poultry processing plant equipment/premises, meat processing plant/equipment, eating establishment premises and equipment; commercial, institutional, and industrial premises and equipment (floors, walls, storage areas); domestic dwellings, food handling areas, bathroom premises (hard surfaces), indoor premises; medical, institutional, critical care, and noncritical care premises and laundry. For formulation into antimicrobial products for use in air conditioner/refrigeration condensate water systems, air washer and industrial scrubbing systems, once-through and recirculating industrial/commercial cooling water systems, pulp/paper mill water systems, swimming pools, golf/ commercial turf/lawns, greenhouses/nurseries, fountains/ water displays/decorative ponds/standing water, sewage treatment systems, spas, gas/oil drilling muds/packer fluids and gas/oil recovery injection water systems. For formulation into wood preservation and sapstain treatment; materials preservative, paper (stored) and papermaking (nonfood contact). Formulators using this product are responsible for providing data for the EPA registration of their formulated products.


Active Ingredients, %    BTC 2125M-80%    
n-Alkyl (60% C14, 30% C16, 5% C12, 5% C18) Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride       40
n-Alkyl (68% C12, 32% C14) Dimethyl Ethylbenzyl Ammonium Chloride  40
Inert Ingredients, % 20
Total, % 100

 Typical Properties

Appearance at 25 °C        Clear liquid          
pH, 10% aqueous 7.9
Free amine and hydrochloride, %               1.6
Color, APHA 150 max.  
Viscosity at 25 °C, cps 320
Pour Point, °C (°F) -2(36)
Flash Point, PMCC °C (°F) 36.5(97.7)
Density, g/ml (lb/ 0.94(7.8)
RVOC, U.S. EPA, % Ethanol 9

Environmental Effects

BTC products are biodegradable. A detailed biodegradability statement is available upon request.

Health Effects

BTC 2125M products are slightly toxic orally (LD50 < 500 mg/kg) and cause severe skin and extreme eye irritation.

產品規格︰BTC 2125 M-80% ,它是:n-烷基(68% C12, 32% C14)二甲基乙苄基氯化銨。
產品優點︰BTC 2125 M-80% :
2、BTC 2125 M80,在油田注水或海水處理系統、石油鑽井泥漿的使用/封隔液,氣/油回注水采油系統和天然氣/石油管道系統維護中,用於製造殺微生物劑。
BTC 2125M-80% 1BTC 2125M-80% 2


聯繫人︰熊力 (經理)