數碼印花全新深色T卹打底白色墨水 |
注: 1. 杜邦印花耗材有CMYK+W+P (W為白色墨水,P為面料印前處理液) 2. 包裝如有變動,恕不另行通知。
數碼紡織直印花美國杜邦白色墨水 彩色墨水 印花處理液 中國大陸總經銷,誠招各地市經銷商代理商 或與直接用戶建立長期雙贏合作 量大價優,歡迎來電垂詢! 電話:021-60510805 手機:13816088508 在線咨詢QQ: 302506933
杜邦紡織墨水中國大陸總經銷 上海T卹打印機墨水獨家代理,深色數碼噴墨直印花首選墨水.成衣直印墨水,印花機寫真墨水,不堵頭的深色T卹打印機墨水,深色印花數碼直印白色墨水,深色數碼印花打底前處理液,美國杜邦純棉紡織墨水(Du Pont Textile Ink)大量到貨,歡迎訂購,電話021-51697209,,美國杜邦印花墨水,全棉T卹水性直印墨水大量供應,歡迎訂購加盟經銷.021-51697209 60510805
注:杜邦印花耗材有CMYK+W+P (W為白色墨水,P為面料印前處理液)
Direct printing on textiles. Achieve premium fastness with New YEECK inkjet inks from Dupont&BASF.
To learn more about all that Dupont and BASF has to offer please give us e-mail. yeeck@126.com
Our inks are developed specifically for the Epson Piezo printhead and are suitable for printing directly on 100% cotton fabrics.
without any pretreatment or steaming processes. It is a water based ink with accurate and vibrant colours on cotton fabrics. It can also work very well with polyester fabric in conjunction with Titanium 1 fabric coatings. It is suitable for household decorative fabric such as curtains, bedsheets, sofas covers, table clothes etc. In addition, It is also widely used in the fashion industry due to its wase of application.
white ink for textile printing:
Packing : 100ml, 500ml, 1kg
Ink Colours : Cyan. Magenta, Yellow, Black
white ink for textile printing:
Packing : 1kg
Ink Colour : White Premium