得復康Devcon大顆粒耐磨防護劑 11490
規格 代號
30磅 11490
Devcon Wear Guard High Load 11490
Alumina ceramic bead-filled epoxy system with outstanding abrasion resistance for severe service conditions with particulate greater than 1/8"
Will not sag on overhead or vertical surfaces
Exceptional resistance to a wide range of acids, bases, saturated salt solutions, oils, and many other chemicals
Ideal for repairing scrubbers, ash handling systems, pipe elbows, screens, and chutes
45-minute working time
Will not sag on overhead or vertical surfaces
Exceptional resistance to a wide range of acids, bases, saturated salt solutions, oils, and many other chemicals
Ideal for repairing scrubbers, ash handling systems, pipe elbows, screens, and chutes
45-minute working time
外觀 灰
重量比/體積比 2:1/2:1(基料:固化劑)
混合后粘度cps 膏狀
操作時限 (24℃下) 45分鐘
固化時間 16小時
固化后硬度肖氏A 87
工作溫度 149℃
規格 代號
30磅 11490
本條信息大顆粒耐磨防護劑 得復康Devcon 11490由濟寧博信達經貿有限公司自行發布,有業務請直接聯繫深圳恆澤豐貿易-張小姐18665851855 /0755-82925402