

類別:化工 / 化學試劑
標籤︰ -
單價: -


貨 號 品 名 規 格 單價(元) 廠 家
SRA18200/0500 Maize White Line Mosaic Virus(玉米白線花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA62300/0500 Lily Symptomless Virus(百合無症狀病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA68000/0500 Carnation Mottle Virus(康乃馨斑點病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA88500/0500 Papaya Mosaic Virus(番木瓜花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA20101/0096 Onion Yellow Dwarf Virus(洋蔥黃色矮小病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA54300/0500 Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus(齒舌蘭環斑病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA24300/0500 Nemesia ring necrosis virus(龍面花環疽病毒) 500 wells 4760 Agdia
SRA68300/0500 Carnation Ringspot Virus(康乃馨環斑病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA12401/0500 Melon Necrotic Spot Virus(瓜坏死斑點病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRP45600/0500 Cauliflower Mosaic Virus(花椰菜花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA17300/0500 Maize Stripe Virus(玉米斑紋病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA18800/0500 Maize Streak Virus(玉米條紋病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA18900/0500 Maize Mosaic Virus(玉米花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA18000/0500 Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus(玉米矮小花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA17001/0500 Maize Chlorotic Mottle Virus(玉米枯黃斑點病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA20500/0096 Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus(鳳仙坏死斑點病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA72900/0500 Nandina Mosaic Virus(南天竹花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA89500/0500 Cymbidium Mosaic Virus(蘭花花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA73600/0500 African Cassava Mosaic Virus(非洲木薯花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA12300/0500 Hibiscus Chlorotic Ringspot Virus(芙蓉枯黃環斑病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA61000/0096 Groundnut Ringspot Virus – and Tomato Chlorotic Spot Virus(花生卷葉病毒和番茄枯黃斑點病毒) 96 wells 2250 Agdia
PSA62800/0096 Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus and Watermelon Silver Mottle Virus(花生胚芽坏死病毒及西瓜銀斑病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA27701/0500 Grapevine Fanleaf Virus(葡萄扇葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA20400/0500 Garlic Common Latent Virus(蒜頭普通潛伏病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA68500/0500 Carnation Necrotic Fleck Virus(康乃馨坏死斑點病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA33001/0500 Cymbidium Ringspot Virus(蘭花環斑病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA45800/0500 Lettuce Mosaic Virus(萵苣花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA44800/0096 Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup II (黃瓜花葉病毒-亞群II) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA44700/0096 Cucumber Mosaic Virus-Subgroup I (黃瓜花葉病毒-亞群I) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA44501/0096 Cucumber Mosaic Virus (黃瓜花葉病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA45700/0500 Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus(黃瓜綠色斑點花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA24200/0500 Cowpea Mosaic Virus(豇豆花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA81000/0096 Chrysanthemum Virus B(菊花病毒B) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA48000/0500 Dasheen Mosaic Virus(芋頭花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA27500/0096 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-pav(大麥黃矮病毒-pav) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA17401/0500 Maize Chlorotic Dwarf Virus-strain T(玉米枯黃矮小病毒T株) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA88001/0500 Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus(藍莓葉斑點病毒) 500 wells 3780 Agdia
SRA32100/0500 Beet Western Yellows Virus(甜菜Western黃色病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA16301/0500 Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus(甜菜坏死黃色葉脈病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA46400/0096 Bean Pod Mottle Virus(豆莢斑點病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA46000/0096 Bean Common Mosaic Virus(豆普通花葉病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA19200/0500 Blueberry Shock Virus(藍莓Shock病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA28001/0500 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-rpv(大麥黃矮病毒-rpv) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRP19000/0500 Blueberry Shoestring Virus(藍莓鞋帶病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA23201/0096 Arabis Mosaic Virus(筷子芥花葉病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA30700/0096 Apple Mosaic Virus(蘋果花葉病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA40200/0500 Andean Potato Latent Virus(安第斯馬鈴薯潛伏病毒) 500 wells 2170 Agdia
SRA32000/0500 American Plum Line Pattern Virus(美國李子線狀病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA39000/0500 Alstroemeria Mosaic Virus(Alstoemeria花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA87600/0096 Alfalfa Mosaic Virus(苜蓿花葉病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA27000/0500 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus-sgv(大麥黃矮病毒-sgv) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSB05600/0096 Bt-Cry9C protein 96 wells 2660 Agdia
SRA20301/0500 Leek Yellow Stripe Virus(韭菜黃色斑紋病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA65000/0500 Kyuri Green Mottle Mosaic Virus(Kyuri綠色斑點花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA62000/0500 Kalanchoe Latent Virus(高涼菜潛伏病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA18300/0500 Johnsongrass Mosaic Virus(Johnsongrass花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA60500/0500 Iris Yellow Spot Virus(Iris黃斑病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA34000/0500 Carnation Latent Virus(康乃馨潛伏病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA19100/0500 Blueberry Scorch Virus(藍莓枯黃病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA83000/0096 Calibrachoa Mottle Virus 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA53500/0096 Papaya Ringspot Virus(番木瓜環斑病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSP06100/0096 Bt-Cry3Bb1 protein 96 wells 2660 Agdia
PSA05900/0096 Bt-Cry3A protein 96 wells 2660 Agdia
PSB05800/0096 Bt-Cry2A protein 96 wells 2660 Agdia
PSB05700/0096 Bt-Cry1C protein 96 wells 2660 Agdia
PSP06200/0096 Bt-Cry1Ab/Ac protein 96 wells 2660 Agdia
SRA29300/0500 Brome Mosaic Virus(雀麥花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA34100/0500 Carnation Etched Ring Virus(康乃馨風化環病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA71000/0096 Asparagus Virus 2(蘆筍病毒2) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA22000/0096 Tomato Ringspot Virus(番茄環斑病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA20700/0096 Potato Virus Y-strains c(馬鈴薯病毒Y-c株) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA20001/0096 Potato Virus Y(馬鈴薯病毒Y) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA10000/0096 Potato Virus X(馬鈴薯病毒X) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA10100/0096 Potato Virus V(馬鈴薯病毒V) 500 wells 2170 Agdia
SRA40100/0500 Potato Virus T(馬鈴薯病毒T) 500 wells 2170 Agdia
PSA26001/0096 Potato Virus Y-necrotic strain(馬鈴薯病毒Y-坏死株) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA24600/0500 Banana Bract Mosaic Virus(香蕉苞葉花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA27200/0096 Potyvirus Group(馬鈴薯Y病毒屬) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
PSA47001/0096 Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus(小麥條紋花葉病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA43001/0500 Wheat Spindle Streak Mosaic Virus(小麥紡錘狀條紋花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA61500/0500 Watermelon Silver Mottle Virus – and Groundnut Bud Necrosis Virus(西瓜銀斑病毒和花生芽坏死病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA54000/0500 Watermelon Mosaic Virus 2(西瓜花葉病毒2) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA18700/0500 Turnip Mosaic Virus(蕪箐花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA16600/0500 Hosta Virus X(玉簪屬植物病毒X) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA40000/0096 Potato Virus S(馬鈴薯病毒S) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA34600/0500 Shallot Yellow Stripe Virus(蔥黃色斑紋病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA19500/0500 Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus(大麥條狀花葉病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
SRA24700/0500 Banana Bunchy Top Virus(香蕉串狀頂病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA77700/0096 Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus(南瓜黃色花葉病毒) 96 wells 2350 Agdia
SRA14000/0500 Strawberry Latent Ringspot Virus(草莓潛伏環斑病毒) 500 wells 3360 Agdia
PSA26400/0096 Squash Mosaic Virus(南瓜花葉病毒) 96 wells


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