金雅 A-433A無線掃描器

金雅 A-433A無線掃描器
類別:電腦、影音數碼 / 電腦用品及外設 / 掃描儀
標籤︰條碼掃描器 , 掃描槍 , 條碼打印機
單價: ¥460 / 件
最少訂量:1000 件


433 dimensional wireless scanning gun


The overall product design delicate appearance, a gun body, a handle, a skull base.

Protector plus reinforcement structure within the science the falling greatly enhanced properties, is

The common wireless gun incomparable!

The product also has a new leap in the reading performance, in the engine and decoding on the use of

The results of the latest technology company, the stronger the transmission speed reading bar code

Faster, is ordinary gun incomparable!

Products in the use of simple, get rid of some wireless gun on the market.

A complex problem, a user can easily master in the use of!

With large capacity battery, is 1.5 times the ordinary wireless gun, effective

Guarantee a charging users for longer lasting!

The transmission distance of the superpower, clearing 500 metres (chamber according to the structure is not

The same general 50-200 meters)

Super memory, can store 10-30 million messages

Paired powerful: support one-to-one, one to many, many to one; a receiver can support 255 scanners at work. One can

Support 4080 scanners at work.

Data upload can be intelligent, HTTP, upload the latest data and other functions.

Power consumption standby technology, effective protection of a rechargeable battery standby time is longer, prolong the service life of the product.

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聯繫人︰楊青平 (總經理)