
類別:工業設備 / 通用機械 / 輸送設備
標籤︰料斗乾燥機 , 乾燥機 , 歐化乾燥機
單價: ¥2500 / 台
最少訂量:1 台


料斗乾燥機 Hopper Dryer 說明: THD系列料斗乾燥機是乾燥塑膠原料最有效的且經濟的機型,可以乾燥因包裝、運送或回收而潮濕的原料,直結式的設計特別適合於直接安裝在塑膠成型機上進行乾燥。既快速又節省空間。這種上吹式(THD-800/1000為下吹式並附清理斗)的熱風乾燥能提供裝料量為12-1000公斤,共分為十三種機型。所有機型皆可選配24小時定時器。 THD series hopper dryers offer an effective and low-cost method for plastic material drying,Hot air is used to dry wet material drying,Hot air is used to dry wet matarials due to moisture absorption during packaging,transportation,and recycling,They can be directiy mounted on the moulding machine for quick drying and space saving,For this series,hot air blows evently form botton to the top(both THD-800 and THD-1000 have down-blowing air pipe and accessible door for esay material clearance)of the hopper with capacity ranging from 12kg to 1000kg,all models can be supplied with optional 24 hours auto start/stop timer。 本機特點: 1.採用均勻分散的高性能熱風擴散裝置,保持塑料乾燥溫度均勻,提高乾燥效率; 2.特有熱風管彎型設計,可避免粉屑堆積于電熱管底引起燃燒; 3.料桶內及內部零件一律採用不鏽鋼製作,確保原料不被污染; 4.料桶與料門分離,清料方便,換料迅速; 5.採用比例式偏差指示溫控器,可精確控制溫度; 6.有過載保護裝置,可減少人為或機械故障所產生之意外; 7.全系列配備超溫警示燈及風機接觸器與過載保護; 8.全系列配備外露式電源開關; 9.THD-300以下機型配備鋁制標準底座,THD-400及以上機型配備鋁制磁力底座; 10.各種機型皆可選配預約定時裝置及保溫料桶; 11.有排風旋風器、排風空氣濾清器、熱風回收器、鋁制磁力底座、風車入口過濾器、料斗磁鐵、歐化吸料盒、“L”“A”型腳架可供選配; 12.改為歐規安全迴路型時,機型后加註“CE”。 Features: 1.Adopt hot air diffuder to gain an even hot air flow to improve drying efficiency; 2.Unique hot air inlet elbow design can prevent dust pilling up at bottom of the pipe heaters so to avoid buring; 3.All material contact surfaces are made of stainless steel to eliminate mateterial contamination; 4.Separable hopper base provides easy access to hopper tank for the convenience of material changing and cleaning; 5.Proportional deviation indicative temperature controller for accurate temperature control; 6.Overheat protection to prevent accidents by human error or machanical faults; 7.Overheat indicating light,motor contactor and overload relay are equipped standard; 8.Quick cooling blower and outfitted power switch; 9.Preheat timer and double insulated hopper are available as options; 10.More optional accessories:"L" "A" type floor stand,dried-material suction box, hopper magnet,magnetic base,hot air recycler,hot air recycler,blower inlet filter,exhausted air filter,and cyclone dust separator.

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