CPC DrumQuik 化學桶分裝接頭

CPC DrumQuik 化學桶分裝接頭
類別:工業設備 / 機械五金 / 液壓元件
標籤︰CPC , Drumquik , 分裝接頭
單價: -
最少訂量:1 件


CPC DrumQuik PUR密閉式分配連接系統
CPC DrumQuik 化學桶分裝接頭


CPC化學桶接頭 Colder公司實現了多種抗化學快速接頭和化學品輸送系統的無洩漏操作,從而提高了化學品管理環境的安全性。應用範圍包括半導體、製藥,以及泵、過濾器和去離子水方面的連接。 


Colder公司為盒袋以及硬質容器提供的配件、封閉裝置和接頭可應用於廣氾的工業領域,例如用於清潔劑、皂液和洗滌劑輸送和散裝墨水管理。 DrumQuik 分裝系統,為您提供更安全的化學品管理方案。無論您是分裝食用油、調味品、洗滌劑、柴油機排氣處理液(DEF),還是配送工業化學品、酸、腐蝕性液體或溶劑,DrumQuik PRO和高純度的DrumQuik PUR都可以使您的分裝過程更清潔、更快速、更安全、更智能。 




中型散貨箱IBC或Totes DrumQuick PRO 特點:快速連接/斷開、自動切斷閥、一次性桶塞、集成的排氣口系統、多種標準的螺紋規格 優點:可快速換桶、斷開時停止流動、減少操作混亂和化學品暴露、允許向桶內補氣和填充氣體(N2、CO2)、可與許多普通鋼桶或塑料容器共同使用。

DrumQuick PUR 特點:快速連接/斷開、完全塑料結構、自動切斷閥、在潔淨室內生產、一次性桶塞 優點:可快速換桶、無金屬腐蝕/污染、斷開時停止流動、可保証較高的純度、大程度減少化學品暴露和污染

供應美國CPC化學桶接頭 酸桶接頭 PVDF吸液接頭 DrumQuick DQPUR2BUT0985
供應美國CPC化學桶接頭 酸桶接頭 PVDF吸液接頭 DrumQuick DQPUR120112210
供應美國CPC化學桶接頭 酸桶接頭 PVDF吸液接頭 DrumQuick DQPUR120112
Part Number Description
DrumQuik PRO Couplers - Polypropylene
DQPRO120312 3/4” Hose Barb (EPDM Seals, 316 SST Spring)
DQPRO120208 1/2” Male NPT (EPDM Seals, 316 SST Spring)
DQPRO120208202 1/2” Male NPT (FKM Seals, 316 SST Spring)
DQPRO120208206 1/2” Male NPT (EPDM Seals, Hastelloy C Spring)
DQPRO120208207 1/2” Male NPT (FKM Seals, Hastelloy C Spring)
DQPRO120712 3/4” Male BSPP (EPDM Seals, 316 SST Spring)
DQPRO120712202 3/4” Male BSPP (FKM Seals, 316 SST Spring)
DQPRO120712206 3/4” Male BSPP (EPDM Seals, Hastelloy C Spring)
DQPRO120712207 3/4” Male BSPP (FKM Seals, Hastelloy C Spring)
CPC Colder Products DrumQuik
DrumQuik PUR Couplers - PVDF (3/4” Flare Termination)
DQPUR120112 FKM Liquid Contact Seals, FKM Vent Seal, PEEK Plastics pring
DQPUR120112203 Simriz? FFKM Liquid Contact Seals, FKM Vent Seal, PEEK Plastic Spring
DQPUR120112208 FKM Liquid Contact Seals, FKM Vent Seal, PPS Plastic Spring
DQPUR120112209 Simriz FFKM Liquid Contact Seals, FKM Vent Seal, PPS Plastic Spring
DQPUR120112210 FKM Liquid Contact Seals, FKM Vent Seal, PTFE Encapsulated 316 Stainless Steel (TESS) Spring
DQPUR120112211 Simriz FFKM Liquid Contact Seals, FKM Vent Seal, PTFE Encapsulated 316 Stainless Steel (TESS) Spring
DrumQuik PRO & PUR Drum Inserts - Polyethylene (HDPE)
DQPRO20BCS70 70mm Thread, EPDM Seals (70x6 and 70x5 Plastic Drums)
DQPRO20BCS70202 70mm Thread, FKM Seals (70x6 and 70x5 Plastic Drums)
DQPRO202BUT 2” American Buttress Thread, EPDM Seals (No. Am. Plastic Drums)
DQPRO202BUT202 2” American Buttress Thread, FKM Seals (No. Am. Plastic Drums)
DQPRO2056X4 BCS 56x4 Thread, EPDM Seals (European Plastic Drums)
DQPRO2056X4202 BCS 56x4 Thread, FKM Seals (European Plastic Drums)
DQPRO20G2NPSST 2” NPS (ISO G2) Thread, EPDM Seals (steel Drums and IBC caps)
DQPRO20G2NPSST202 2” NPS (ISO G2) Thread, FKM Seals (steel Drums and IBC caps)
DQPRO20G2NPSPL 2” NPS (ISO G2) Thread, EPDM Flat Bung Seal (PlasticDrums and IBC caps)
DQPRO20G2NPSPL202 2” NPS (ISO G2) Thread, FKM Flat Bung Seal (Plastic Drums and IBC caps)
DQPUR202BUT 2” American Buttress Thread, Polyolefin (POE) Bung Seal, EPDM Shipping Plug Seal
DQPUR202BUT202 2” American Buttress Thread, Polyolefin (POE) Bung Seal, FKM Shipping Plug Seal
DrumQuik PRO & PUR Dip-Tubes - Polyethylene (HDPE)
DQPRODT0410 13.0” (330mm) Long for 5 gal/25L Jerry cans
DQPRODT0985 35.5” (905mm) Long for 55 gal/200L Drums
DQPRODT1070 39.0” (990mm) Long for 275 gal/1040L IBCs
DQPRODT1274 47.0” (1194mm) Long for 330 gal/1250L IBCs
DQPURDT0410 13.0” (330mm) Long for 5 gal/25L Jerry cans
DQPURDT0985 35.5” (905mm) Long for 55 gal/200L Drums
DQPURDT1070 39.0” (990mm) Long for 275 gal/1040L IBCs
DQPURDT1274 47.0” (1194mm) Long for 330 gal/1250L IBCs
CPC Colder Products DrumQuik
Quick Release Couplings: CPC Colder Products: DrumQuik
DrumQuik PUR Assembled Drum Inserts & Dip-Tubes
DQPUR2BUT0410 Drum Insert Assembly, NAMPAC square Jerry can, 20L, 330mm Long (from Sealing Surface)
DQPUR2BUT0985 Drum Insert Assembly with Universal Dip-Tube (Drum), 905mm Long (from Sealing Surface)
DQPUR2BUT1070 Drum Insert Assembly with Universal Dip-Tube (Drum), 990mm Long (from Sealing Surface)
DQPUR2BUT1274 Drum Insert Assembly with Universal Dip-Tube (IBC), 1194mm Long (from Sealing Surface)
Part Code Product Description
2408900 Torque Socket Tool (Blue, Glass-Filled Nylon)
2479100 Bung Wrench (Aluminium)
2375600 Key Installation Tool for Key Kits (Shipping Plug may also be used to Install Keys)
DQPURFT08 Flaring Tool, 1/2” Tubing
DQPURFT12 Flaring Tool, 3/4” Tubing
Sample Kits (Includes One Coupler, One Insert & One Dip-Tube)
DQPRONASAMP 2” Buttress Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler (EPDM O-Rings, 316 SST Spring in Coupler)
DQPRONASAMP207 2” Buttress Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler (FKM Seals & Hastelloy C Spring in Coupler)
DQPROEUSAMP BSC 56 x 4 Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 3/4 BSPP Coupler (EPDM Seals, 316 SST Spring in Coupler)
DQPROEUSAMP207 BSC 56 x 4 Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 3/4 BSPP, Coupler (FKM Seals & Hastelloy C Spring in Coupler)
DQPRONPSSTSAMP 2” NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler (EPDM Bung O-Rings, 316 SST Spring in
DQPRONPSSTSAMP207 2” NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler (FKM Seals & Hastelloy C Spring in
DQPRONPSPLSAMP 2” NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler (EPDM Flat Gasket, 316 SST Spring)
DQPRONPSPLSAMP207 2” NPS (ISO G2) Drum Insert, 905mm Dip-Tube, 1/2 NPT Coupler NPT Coupler (FKM Seals & Hastelloy
C Spring in Coupler)
DQPURSAMP202 Kit Includes 1 Coupler (DQPUR 12 0112 (PEEK & FKM) & 1 Assembled Dip-Tube (DQPUR 2BUT 0985 202)
DQPURSAMP209 Kit Includes 1 Coupler (DQPUR 12 0112 209 (PPS & SIMRIZ) & 1 Dip-Tube assy. (DQPUR 2BUT 0985 202)
CPC Colder Products DrumQuik
Quick Release Couplings: CPC Colder Products: DrumQuik
Shipping Plugs
DQPROPumpAD Internal 3/4” NPT Thread Pump Adaptor Shipping Plug (HDPE, EPDM)
DQPROPumpAD202 Internal 3/4” NPT Thread Pump Adaptor Shipping Plug (HDPE, FKM)
DQPRPumpAD202 Extended Shipping Plug for Venting Internal Pressure from Drum (HDPE, EPDM)
DQPROSHIPlugEX202 Extended Shipping Plug for Venting Internal Pressure from Drum (HDPE, FKM)
2007900 Shipping Plug for Drum Insert (Does not Include Shipping Plug O-Ring)
2290100 Shipping Plug O-Ring, EPDM
2307200 Shipping Plug O-Ring, FKM
DQPURSP Shipping Plug with EPDM Seals
DQPURSP202 Shipping Plug with FKM Seals
Sample Kits (Includes One Coupler, One Insert & One Dip-Tube)
DQPURDISealsPOE Drum Insert POE Bung Seals
DQPURDISealsFEP Drum Insert FEP Encapsulated Silione Bung Seals
DQPURCPSealsFKM Coupler Seals Kit (2 Seals), FKM
DQPURCPSealsMZ Coupler Seals Kit (2 Seals), Simriz¨
2423400 Coupler O-Ring Kit, EPDM (Includes 2 O-Rings)
2423500 Coupler O-Ring Kit, FKM (Includes 2 O-Rings)
2166000 Drum Insert Flat Gasket, 2” Buttress, FDA EPDM
2166100 Drum Insert Flat Gasket, 2” Buttress, FKM
2165800 Drum Insert O-Ring, 2” NPS (ISO G2) EPDM for Steel Drums
2165900 Drum Insert O-Ring, 2” NPS (ISO G2) FKM for Steel Drums
2165800 Drum Insert O-Ring, BCS 56 x 4, EPDM (same as ISO G2 for Steel)
2165900 Drum Insert O-Ring, BCS 56 x 4, FKM (same as ISO G2 for Steel)
2525200 Drum Insert Flat Gasket, 2” NPS (ISO G2) EPDM for plastic Drums
2525300 Drum Insert Flat Gasket, 2” NPS (ISO G2) FKM for plastic Drums
2594900 Replacement Drum Insert Seals, 2” Buttress, FDA
DQPRO70X6AD 70 X 6 Adaptor with EPDM O-Ring
DQPRO70X6AD202 70 X 6 Adaptor with FKM (Viton) O-Rings
Tether/Dust Cap
DrumQuik PRO Tether Tether/Dust Cap for use with DrumQuik PRO Shipping Plugs and Couplers (PVC, Vinyl)
CPC Colder Products DrumQuik
Quick Release Couplings: CPC Colder Products: DrumQuik
Coupler Vent Port Options
2879800 Vent Check Valves, 1/2” ID x 1/4” Male NPT (316 SST, Santoprene)
2879801 Vent Check Valves, 1/2” ID x 1/4” Male NPT (Hastelloy? C, FKM)
DQPROFIL01 Air Filter, Coupler Vent Port, 1/4” Male NPT (Polyproplyene, 70 micron)
APCD24004 Vent Coupling Insert, 1/4” Male NPT (Acetal, 316 SST, Buna-N)
APCD17004SH Vent Coupling Body with Shroud, 1/4” Hose Barb (Acetal, 316 SST, Buna-N)
APCD17006SH Vent Coupling Body with Shroud, 3/8” Hose Barb (Acetal, 316 SST, Buna-N)
EFCD24412 Vent Coupling Insert, 1/4” Male NPT (Polyproplyene, 316 SST, EPDM)
EFCD17412 Vent Coupling Body, 1/4” Hose Barb (Polyproplyene, 316 SST, EPDM)
EFCD17612 Vent Coupling Body, 3/8” Hose Barb (Polyproplyene, 316 SST, EPDM)
BACKFLOW Prevention Options Polyproplyene
2478900 Check Valves for Couplers, 1/2” Female NPT x 1/2” Male NPT (EPDM, 302 SST)
2478901 Check Valves for Couplers, 1/2” Female NPT x 1/2” Male NPT (FKM, 302 SST)
2478902 Check Valves for Couplers, 1/2” Female NPT x 1/2” Male NPT (EPDM, Hastelloy C)
2478903 Check Valves for Couplers, 1/2” Female NPT x 1/2” Male NPT (FKM, Hastelloy C)
2479000 Foot Valve for Dip-Tube, 1/2” Hose Barb (EPDM, 316 SST)
2479001 Foot Valve for Dip-Tube, 1/2” Hose Barb (FKM, 316 SST)
2479002 Foot Valve for Dip-Tube, 1/2” Hose Barb (EPDM, Hastelloy C)
2479003 Foot Valve for Dip-Tube, 1/2” Hose Barb (FKM, Hastelloy C)
Coupler Liquid Port Fittings Polyproplyene
2402600 1/2” Female NPT x 3/8” OD compression
2402700 1/2” Female NPT x 1/2” OD compression
2402800 1/2” Female NPT x 5/8” OD compression
2402900 1/2” Female NPT x 3/8” ID Hose Barb
2403000 1/2” Female NPT x 1/2” ID Hose Barb
2403100 1/2” Female NPT x 3/4” ID Hose Barb
CPC Colder Products DrumQuik
Quick Release Couplings: CPC Colder Products: DrumQuik
DrumQuik PUR Accessory Fittings
DQPUR MC0404 Male Connector, PVDF, 1/4” Flare x 1/4” NPT
DQPUR MC0604 Male Connector, PVDF, 3/8” Flare x 1/4” NPT
DQPUR MC0804 Male Connector, PVDF, 1/2” Flare x1/4” NPT
DQPUR FR1208 Flare Reducer, PFA, 3/4” Female Flare x 1/2” Male Flare
DQPUR FI1216 Flare Increaser, PFA, 3/4” Female Flare x 1” Male Flare
DQPUR TFMC1208 Female Flare x Male Connector, PFA, 3/4” Female Flare x 1/2” Male NPT
DQPUR SE0808 Sweep Elbow, PFA, 1/2” Female Flare x 1/2” Male Flare
DQPURSE1212 Sweep Elbow, PFA, 3/4” Female Flare x 3/4” Male Flare
DQPURDCPM0812 Double Containment Panel Mount Fitting, PFA, 1/2” Process Line x 3/4” Secondary Containment Line
DQPURDCPM1216 Double Containment Panel Mount Fitting, PFA, 3/4” Process Line x 1” Secondary Containment Line
DQPURDCN0812 Double Containment Adapter, PFA, 1/2” Process Line x 3/4” Secondary Containment Line
DQPURDCN1216 Double Containment Adapter, PFA, 3/4” Process Line x 1” Secondary Containment Line


Couplers: PVDF
Part Number Description
DQPUR120112 3/4" flare liquid port
Drum Inserts: HDPE
Part Number Description
DQPUR202BUT 2" American buttress thread
Dip-tubes: HDPE
Part Number Description
DQPURDT0410 13.0" (330mm) long for 5 gal/25L jerry cans
DQPURDT0985 35.5" (905mm) long for 55 gal/200L drums
DQPURDT1070 39.0" (990mm) long for 275 gal/1040L IBCs
DQPURDT1274 47.0” (1194mm) long for 330 gal/1250L IBCs
Note: See modified standard material options below.
Note: Drum insert and dip-tube have been assembled in a cleanroom. The
length indicated in the part number is the length as measured from the sealing
surface of the container to the end of the dip-tube. This is ~ 80mm longer than
the actual length of the dip-tube itself.
Assembled Drum Inserts & Dip-tubes
Part Number Description
DQPUR2BUT0410 Drum insert assembly, NAMPAC square
jerry can, 20L, 330mm long
DQPUR2BUT0985 Drum insert assembly with universal
dip-tube (drum), 905mm long
DQPUR2BUT1070 Drum insert assembly with universal
dip-tube (drum), 990mm long
DQPUR2BUT1274 Drum insert assembly with universal
dip-tube (IBC), 1194mm long




Uncoupled: Vacuum to 45 psig (3.1 bar)

Coupled: Vacuum to drum rating


Drum Insert: -20°to 120°F (-29°to 49°C)

Coupler: PVDF, 0° to 120°F (-18° to 49°C)


Drum insert & dip-tube: Virgin polyethylene (HDPE)

Shipping plug: Virgin polyethylene (HDPE), FKM Coupler: PVDF

Spring (coupler only): 316 stainless steel, Hastelloy C, virgin PEEK UHP, PPS or Teflon encapsulated 316 stainless steel (TESS)


Coupler seals: EPDM, FKM, Simriz UHP FFKM Perfluoroelastomer

Bung seal: Polyolefin, EPDM, FKM

Shipping plug seal: EPDM, FKM

Torque specifications

2" Buttress - 20ft-lbs (27 N m)

BCS 56x4 - 20ft-lbs (27 N m)

2" NPS (plastic drum) - 20ft-lbs (27 N m)

2" NPS (steel drum) - 15ft-lbs (20 N m)

Shipping plug - hand tight

Note: The torque specifications listed above are general recommendations which may need to be adjusted + or – depending on specific application

Dip-tube 13.0" or 330mm long for 5 gal/25L Jerry Cans
Dip-tube 13.0" or 330mm long for 5 gal/25L Jerry Cans

Dip-tube 35.5" or 905mm long for 55gal/200L Drums
Dip-tube 35.5" or 905mm long for 55gal/200L Drums

Dip-tube 39.0" or 990mm long for 275gal/1040L IBCs
Dip-tube 39.0" or 990mm long for 275gal/1040L IBCs

Dip-tube 47.0" or 1194mm long for 330gal/1250L IBCs
Dip-tube 47.0" or 1194mm long for 330gal/1250L IBCs

Drum Inserts

2" Drum Insert with American Buttress Thread and EPDM O-Rings (North American Plastic Drums)
2" Drum Insert with American Buttress Thread and EPDM O-Rings (North American Plastic Drums)

2" Drum Insert with American Buttress Thread and FKM (Viton?) O-Rings (North American Plastic Drums)
2" Drum Insert with American Buttress Thread and FKM (Viton?) O-Rings (North American Plastic Drums)

Drum Insert Assembly 985mm, 2" American Buttress, POE Bung Seal, EPDM Shipping Plug
Drum Insert Assembly 985mm, 2" American Buttress, POE Bung Seal, EPDM Shipping Plug

Drum Insert Assembly 985mm, 2" American Buttress, POE Bung Seal, EPDM Shipping Plug
Drum Insert Assembly 985mm, 2" American Buttress, POE Bung Seal, EPDM Shipping Plug

 Drum Insert Assembly 1274mm, 2" American Buttress, POE Bung Seal, EPDM Shipping Plug Seal
Drum Insert Assembly 1274mm, 2" American Buttress, POE Bung Seal, EPDM Shipping Plug Seal

Fittings, Valves and Accessories

1/2" Flare X 3/4" Flare  Double Containment Nut
1/2" Flare X 3/4" Flare Double Containment Nut

3/4" Flare X 1" Flare  Double Containment Nut
3/4" Flare X 1" Flare Double Containment Nut

1/2" Flare X 3/4" Flare  Panel Mount Double Containment Nut
1/2" Flare X 3/4" Flare Panel Mount Double Containment Nut

3/4" Flare X 1" Flare  Panel Mount Double Containment Nut
3/4" Flare X 1" Flare Panel Mount Double Containment Nut

 3/4" Female Flare x 1" Male Flare PFA Flame Increaser
3/4" Female Flare x 1" Male Flare PFA Flame Increaser

3/4" Female X 1/2" PFA Male Flare Reducer
3/4" Female X 1/2" PFA Male Flare Reducer

Flaring Tool for 1/2" Tubing
Flaring Tool for 1/2" Tubing

Flaring Tool for 3/4" Tubing
Flaring Tool for 3/4" Tubing

 1/4" Flare X 1/4" NPT PVDF Male Connector
1/4" Flare X 1/4" NPT PVDF Male Connector

3/8" Flare X 1/4" NPT PVDF Male Connector
3/8" Flare X 1/4" NPT PVDF Male Connector

1/2" Flare X 1/4" NPT PVDF Male Connector
1/2" Flare X 1/4" NPT PVDF Male Connector

1/2" Female Flare X 1/2" Male Flare PFA Sweep Elbow Coupler
1/2" Female Flare X 1/2" Male Flare PFA Sweep Elbow Coupler

 3/4" Female Flare X 3/4" Male Flare PFA Sweep Elbow Coupler
3/4" Female Flare X 3/4" Male Flare PFA Sweep Elbow Coupler

Polyethylene Shipping Plug with EPDM Seal
Polyethylene Shipping Plug with EPDM Seal

Polyethylene Shipping Plug with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring
Polyethylene Shipping Plug with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring

O-Rings and Seals

FKM (Viton?) O-Ring Kit for DrumQuik PUR Coupler
FKM (Viton?) O-Ring Kit for DrumQuik PUR Coupler

FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring Kit for DrumQuik PUR Coupler
FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring Kit for DrumQuik PUR Coupler

FEP Encapsulated Silicone Bung Seal for Drum Insert
FEP Encapsulated Silicone Bung Seal for Drum Insert

POE Coupling Insert Seal
POE Coupling Insert Seal


3/4" Flare Coupler with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring and (PEEK?) Spring
3/4" Flare Coupler with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring and (PEEK?) Spring

3/4" Flare Coupler with FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring and (PEEK?) Spring
3/4" Flare Coupler with FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring and (PEEK?) Spring

3/4" Flare Coupler with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring and Polyphenylene Sulfide Spring
3/4" Flare Coupler with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring and Polyphenylene Sulfide Spring

3/4" Flare Coupler with FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring and Polyphenylene Sulfide Spring
3/4" Flare Coupler with FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring and Polyphenylene Sulfide Spring

 3/4 Flare Coupler with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring and PTFE Encapsulated 316 Stainless Steel Spring 
3/4 Flare Coupler with FKM (Viton?) O-Ring and PTFE Encapsulated 316 Stainless Steel Spring

3/4 Flare Coupler with FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring, FKM Vent Seal, and PTFE Encapsulated 316 Stainless Steel Spring 
3/4 Flare Coupler with FFKM (Simriz?) O-Ring, FKM Vent Seal, and PTFE Encapsulated 316 Stainless Steel Spring

Sample Kits

Sample Kit with 1 DQPUR120112 (FKM (Viton?) and PEEK? ) Coupler and 1 Assembled Dip-tube (DQPUR2BUT0985202) 
Sample Kit with 1 DQPUR120112 (FKM (Viton?) and PEEK? ) Coupler and 1 Assembled Dip-tube (DQPUR2BUT0985202)

Sample Kit with 1 DQPUR120112 (PPS and Simriz? Spring) Coupler and 1 Assembled Dip-tube (DQPUR2BUT0985202) 
Sample Kit with 1 DQPUR120112 (PPS and Simriz? Spring) Coupler and 1 Assembled Dip-tube (DQPUR2BUT0985202)

CPC - Colder Products Company快速插拔接頭、普通接頭和連接器

西安嘉岳自動化技術有限公司 Garye Automation Company
地 址: 陝西省 - 西安市經濟技術開發區鳳城九路 郵 編 :710000
電話:029 - 8647 4991 手機:182 9256 1696(微信同號 garye002)
電子郵件: sales@garye.cn
網站: http://www.garye.cn/cpc_index.htmle
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聯繫人︰楊健 (工程師)