
類別:工業設備 / 電子電氣產品製造設備
標籤︰鋁合金連鑄連軋 , 合金連鑄連軋 , 連鑄連軋
單價: -
最少訂量:1 套


1.產品名稱及型號(Machine Name & Type)

UL+Z-1500+255/14 Aluminium & Alloy Rod Continuous Casting and Rolling Line

2.產品用途(Machine Application)

* 生產線主要用於生產直徑為9.5mm的高強度鋁合金導電桿,也可生產生產普通導電鋁杆,具有與國際同類產品相當的水平。
Specially for producing aluminium alloys rod of diameter 9.5mm for electrical wire, such as Al-Mg-Si 
electrical conductor of high intensity. And also it can produce electrical aluminium rod. The line
is competitive with the relative international products level. 

3.產品特點(Machine Characteristic)

* 可採用傾動式保溫爐,便於鋁合金的制備、均勻精鍊和澆鑄流量的控制。
Tiltable type holding furnace designed to provide easy access for final preparation
of individual alloys..

* 在線除氣和過濾工藝提供優質的鋁液供澆鑄所用。
In-line filter & degassing device to provide maximum quality liquid metal to the casting machine 

* 擁有專利技術的連續澆鑄機。結晶輪為“H”型,四面冷卻保証鑄錠結晶緻密且均勻。
內冷環 、外冷環和側冷環可方便地從結晶輪中轉出,便於冷卻水調節和維護;所有噴嘴,內、外、側冷環均為不鏽鋼,分別
The continuous casting machine has been awarded the patent right. 
Crystallizing wheel is in type of "H", on every side of which there is an adjustable nozzle spraying 
water to ensure the crystal of the cast bar close and equal.It is easy for inner cooling, outer cooling 
and side cooling ring to rotate out from the crystallizing wheel to adjust and maintain the cooling water. 
Stainless steel is adopted as material for nozzles, inner or outer or side cooling rings, each of which 
is equipped with pressure indicator and flowrate adjusting valve. The pneumatic system is used for 
tightening steel belt, easy for adjusting..

* 感應加熱器保証鑄坯進軋的工藝溫度要求,具有提溫功能,自動加熱、調節。
Induction heater meets the temperature requirement of the cast bar for rolling process.
With the function of temperature rising, it can do heating and adjusting automatically.

* 連軋機具有主動喂料和堆杆停車功能。獨特的二輥和三輥結合的軋制方式,使得軋制的杆材具有優良的機械性能。
The continuous rolling machine has a function of automatic feeding and rods stacking stop.
With an unique rolling method combining 2-high rolling stand with 3-high rolling stand, the aluminium 
rod is provided with a good mechanic performance. The rolling emulsion and oil pipe form a closed 
system with the cooler, filter and indicator for pressure of the main pipe. 

* 生產線具有連續淬火、快速冷卻功能。淬冷用的水系統自成封閉系統,具有冷卻、過濾、總管壓力和溫度指示功能。
The production line is provided with the function of continuous quenching and fast cooling. 
The water pipeline makes a closed system by themselves with cooler, filter and indicator for main pipe 
presssure and temperature.

* 收線導管出口處裝有吹水裝置,以清除鋁合金杆表面水份。同時安裝有主動牽引裝置,保証鋁杆的順利導出。圓弧導向管
To clean off the moisture on the surface of the aluminium rod, a blower is fixed at the end of the guiding 
pipe. At the same time, an pinch-roller is installed to ensure a smooth delivery of the rod. The arc guiding 
pipe is in a trolley-guiding construction to reduce the scratch upon the wirerods surface. 

* 繞杆方式為離心甩頭式,一方面使鋁合金杆在進入收線框前給予預變形;另一方面使其在軋制過程中若發生斷杆,
The rod is coiled by means of centrifugal (laying head). On the one hand, the Aluminium rod is preformed before
entering the collection basket; on the other hand, the end of rod drops down into the basket automaticallyy
in case rod broken. 

* 傳動系統採用直流電機全數字式調速。全線控制採用可編程序控制器(PLC)與人機界面觸摸屏,可以對鑄錠溫度、開軋溫度、
The transmission system is in type of DC motor (fully-digital) speed adjusting. By adopting PLC and man-machine 
interface for the complete line control, it can display the different kinds of temperatures, such as the cast
bar, the beginning of rolling, emulsion and water for quenching. Also it can check and display the running 
parameter of machines as well as indicate the breakdown. 

4.技術數據(Technical Data)

熔化爐 類型(Type) 豎爐(shaft furnace)
Melting furnace 熔化率(Melting rate) 5 t/h
保溫爐 類型(Type) 液壓傾動式(hydraulic tilting-type)
Holding furnace 爐容量(Capacity) 2×9 t
過濾除氣裝置 處理氣體(Treatment gas) 氮氣或氬氣(nitrogen or argon)
Filter & degassing device 處理能力(Treatment capacity) 30-100 kg/min
除氣效率(Degassing efficiency) 50-70 %
容量(Container capacity) 440 kg
連鑄機 鑄輪直徑(Casting ring dia.) 1500 mm
Casting machine 鑄坯速度(Casting bar speed) 8 - 12 m/minn
鑄坯截面(Casting bar section) 2300 mm2 
冷卻水耗量(Water consumption) 90 m3/h 
鑄輪電機(Motor for casting ring) 4 kW
輔助液壓剪 最大剪切力(Max. shearing force) 14000 Kg
Accessory shearer 最大剪切行程(Max. shearing stroke) 85 mm
校直機 校直輪數(No. of straightening roller) 5
Straightening machine 牽引電機(Pulling motor) 3 kW
感應加熱器 輸出頻率(Output frequency) 350 Hz
Induction heater 輸出功率(Output power) 300 Kw 
冷卻水消耗量(Water consumption) 15 m3/hh
連軋機 類型(Type) 粗軋為平立式二輥機架(2-high mould in rough rolling stand)
Rolling mill 精軋為三輥式機架(3-high mould in final rolling stand)
出杆直徑(Outlet rod dia.) 9.5 mm
機架數量(No. of rolling stand) 14 pcs 
軋輥直徑(Rollers' dia.) 255 mm
終軋速度(Finished rolling speed) 4 - 6 m/ss
生產能力(Production capacity) 2.6 - 4 t/h
軋機中心高(Center height) 1052.5 mm
主電機(Main motor) 355 kW
乳化液消耗量(Emulsion consumption) 60 m3/h
淬冷裝置 淬冷包數量(Rod quenching tunnel) 8 pcs
Rod quenching device 出杆溫度(Outlet rod temperature) < 100 ℃
冷卻水消耗量(Water consumption) 60 m3/h 
雙筐收杆機 牽引速度(pulling speed) 6.94 m/s
Twin-coiler 牽引電機(pulling motor) 7.5 kW 
成圈直徑(Coil's size) φ1500×φ2300 mm
成圈電機(Laying head motor) 4 kW 
收杆筐尺寸(Collecting basket) φ2300×1300 mm
收杆重量(Coils’weight) 1500-1800 kg

5.生產線組成(Line Composition)

It is composed of melting shaft furnace, (tilted) holding furnace, filter & degassing unit, casting machine, accessory 
oil-hydraulic shearer, cast bar straightening machine, induction heater, rolling mill, engine oil lubrication system,
emulsion lubrication system, rod quenching device, twin-coiler, line electric control, etc.


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聯繫人︰吳永滿 (總經理)