型號: | - |
品牌: | - |
原產地: | 中國 |
類別: | 工業設備 / 其他工業設備 |
標籤︰ | - |
單價: |
最少訂量: | 1 件 |
Tooth roller of chip breaker is mainly composed of the roller and accessories, through the two speed reducer drive roller wheel, according to the relative rotation direction. In materials, broken material from the feed port, through the roller, the moving and fixed tooth crushing, crushing, after crushing debris by lower discharge machine, mainly used for metal chip long broken, to facilitate transportation
烟台泰丰机械设备有限公司 | |
國家/地區︰ | 山东省烟台市 |
經營性質︰ | 生產商 |
聯繫電話︰ | 13081627796 |
聯繫人︰ | 張凱文 (銷售) |
最後上線︰ | 2021/01/11 |