抗靜電劑 Jy22

抗靜電劑 Jy22
類別:化工 / 塑料原料
標籤︰抗靜電劑 , 穩定劑 , 熱穩定劑
單價: ¥38 / kg
最少訂量:1 kg


The new heat stable antistatic agent jy23 is a unique technical product of positive ring rubber and plastic. It is composed of multiple active ions and can reduce the surface resistance of the product to 107-108 Ω. The main active ingredient is highly hygroscopic. The long carbon chain in the molecule provides the mobility to polar plastics, while the polar group provides the hygroscopicity, that is, it combines the moisture necessary to form the conductive film. The ionic properties of polar groups lead to the high conductivity of the surface facial mask combined with moisture. The multi-component hydroxyl monomer in the composition is grafted with PVC at high temperature, so that the polarity of the molecular chain is enhanced, the intermolecular force is increased, the sliding resistance of the macromolecular chain is enhanced, the strength and elongation of PVC can be improved, and the filler amount can be appropriately increased; It has the function of absorbing acidolysis gas. The chlorine decomposed by PVC under heat reacts with the active monomer to form salt. In addition, the auxiliary grafting function enhances the thermal stability of PVC and can reduce or even completely replace the heat stabilizer; The lubricant can be reduced or even removed; No heavy metal and phenol harmful substances; The formulation cost can be reduced as a whole.
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聯繫人︰李先生 (銷售經理)