型號: | AD 350 |
品牌: | BOFA |
原產地: | 英國 |
類別: | 電子、電力 / 其它電力、電子 |
標籤︰ | 激光煙霧淨化系統 , AD350 , 高效煙霧淨化系統 |
單價: |
最少訂量: | 1 件 |
AD 350
Fume extraction system for light duty laser marking, coding and
engraving applications.
BOFA’s Advantage 350 fume extraction and filtration system effectively removes
potentially harmful fumes and particulates created during the laser marking process. By
maintaining a dust-free operating area, the system helps to protect valuable equipment,
maintain a higher quality mark, and reduce the number of rejects and contaminants.
BOFA的AD 350煙霧淨化過濾系統能有效去除有害煙霧和激光打標過程中產生的粉塵。此系統
The quiet and compact Advantage 350 is ideal for use in light duty laser marking
applications, including schools, sign making workshops and small scale industrial
environments. AD 350 外觀小巧,噪音低,是小功率激光打標應用(如學校、打標車間和小
上海杰龍電子工程有限公司 | |
國家/地區︰ | 上海市闵行区 |
經營性質︰ | 貿易商 |
聯繫電話︰ | 17621458070 |
聯繫人︰ | 周志遠 (服務工程師) |
最後上線︰ | 2024/02/21 |