
原產地:臺灣 中國
類別:電腦、影音數碼 / 電腦用品及外設 / 光盤、磁盤
標籤︰拷貝機 , 硬盤 , 光盤
單價: ¥42000 / 件
最少訂量:1 件


  • 適用於 MS-DOS, IBM-DOS, OS/2, NCR, NEC, Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/VISTA, Macintosh IDE bus, Unix, Xenix, Linux, FreeBSD, BeOS,Novell, Solaris...等不同作業系統。
  • 電源自動控制, 並具備保護線路, 快取記憶體設計, 加快執行速度。
  • 複製方式採同步獨立式, 包括複製(COPY),比對(COMPARE),檢測(VERIFY)等皆可同時完成, 操作方式最為簡便。單獨之複製, 比對或檢驗亦可選擇執行。
  • 功能齊全: 快速複製, 區塊複製, 影像檔複製, 全部複製, 硬碟參數手動設定, 硬碟自動偵測及檢驗等全部齊備,不需另購任何設備或連接電腦。
  • 支援LBA 規格大容量硬碟(500GB以上), PIO mode及Ultra-DMA 33/66/100/133,S-ATA I/II皆能使用, 具自動偵測功能。(PATA(IDE)硬碟需選購轉接板)
  • 2.5" ,3.5" SATA硬碟皆可使用。 (1", 1.8" PATA(IDE) 硬碟需選購轉接板)
  • 支援不同廠牌、不同容量硬碟同時複製(凡是FAT架構者皆可轉換)。
  • 母硬碟(master)若同時具備不同OS亦可複製拷貝。
  • 支援RAID #0, #1磁碟陣列複製
  • 支援多磁區不同廠牌、不同容量硬碟同時複製。
  • 具有硬碟多種資料清除功能:可有效抹除硬碟中的資料,清除病毒殘留,並可修復硬碟啟始磁區錯亂
  • 俱備未來昇級能力。
  • 俱備散熱風扇,有效降低硬碟工作中的高溫
  • 可選購警示燈,方便工作中辨識
  • 可設定工作密碼,防止他人擅用
  • 可檢測壞軌硬碟
  • 俱備CRC, MD5檢查碼設定
  • 可連線電腦監控工作過程
  • SATA匯流排傳輸率:9000MB/min, PATA(IDE)匯流排傳輸率:9000MB/min (TA-2000) ; ;拷貝速度決定於硬碟磁頭讀寫速度,轉速,記憶體大小。
  1. SATA bus 14-target high speed hard drive duplicator, offering up to 14 target hard drives’ duplication in one operation. Data transfer bandwidth up to 9GB/minute.
  2. On-board directly copy SATA bus 2.5” or 3.5” hard drive with SATA-I/II spec. For IDE bus hard drive, users can copy it through optional SATA3 adapter to convert SATA to IDE bus.
  3. Suitable for Microsoft Windows 98/ME, Windows 2000/XP, Windows Vista, etc. with FAT16/32 or NTFS structure, Linux, Novell Netware, Unix/Xenix, Mac OS, etc.
  4. Ready for copying the RAID#0 or RAID#1 system. When duplicating RAID#0, the transfer rate can reach twice of that original speed.
  5. DD image function provided to support big master mode. Many master hard drives could be preloaded into one big master and stored as an image file. Users can simply select the file in big master to copy their target hard drives. Old day’s trouble of managing/keeping too many master hard drives can be avoided.
  6. Quick copy mode to copy meaningful data area is provided to shorten the time of duplication. (Suitable only for Microsoft Windows system, Linux system or Linux-like system.)
  7. Built-in 500W power supply unit to support sufficiently the power requirement of all connected hard drives.
  8. Three built-in cooling fans to cool off the heat generated by all connected hard drives during operation.
  9. Traditional RS-232 interface built-in to get logfile so as to support world widely within short time.
  10. Optional three-color alarm lamp to give significant signal to operator so as to take a prompt action on machine, no matter the operation stops normally or in critical situation. Mostly suitable for factory usage, especially in situation of fewer operators to operate many machines.
  11. Small occupation, easy to operate.
  12. Stabilize the hard drives by clip design when placing hard drives on top of machine; avoid the vibration of hard drives themselves during operation to cause damage.
  13. Module design, easy to maintain.
  14. Firmware can be easily upgraded.
硬盤拷貝機 1硬盤拷貝機 2


聯繫人︰林啟河 (業務)