類別:電子、電力 / 電動機
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TestMate® Series

Schroeder offers a variety of particle counters in our Filter Systems product line. Some can be integrated in-line into an existing hydraulic system to monitor contamination levels in real time (TCM, TIM, SMART kits). Others can be utilized as a portable service unit for temporary monitoring. All feature the ability to download measurements for further processing.

ET-100-6 : The "Original" TestMate®

Schroeder's original TestMate® system was patented EasyTest™ fitting provides the hyrdraulic user with a quick, convenient method to test, troubleshoot, and obtain preventive maintenance data on hydraulic systems. Flows up to 100gpm and pressures up to 6000psi, as well as operating temperature, are measured through an EasyTest™ fitting, which is permanently installed in the hydraulic system.

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HMG 3010 Data Recorder

The HMG 3010 data recorder is a portable unit for measurement and data capturing tasks involving hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Ideal for maintenance and servicing, troubleshooting, test stands and quality inspecting, the HMG 3010 can concurrently evaluate up to 10 input signals.

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TestMate® Contamination Monitor (TCM)

Schroeder's TestMate® Contamination Monitor (TCM) i s the newest generation of particle monitors that continuously measure solid contamination in fluid. Encolded in a 4-inch diameter case, the TCM utilizes an optical sensor and measures particles in four sizes: >4, >6, >14 and >21 microns. Measurement results can be output as a contamination code according to ISO 4406: 1999 or SAE AS 4059 (D).

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TestMate® In-Line Counter (TIM)

The TIM from Schroeder is an in-line contamination counter capable of transmitting information regarding fluid cleanliness in various formats to a wide variety of devices in real time. Software is included to transmit data to a PC. Alternative user-supplied output devices include PLCs, individual display units, and warning lights via trigger points. This unit is intended for critical systems where continuous contamination monitor is a must.

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TestMate® Metallic Sensor (TMS)


  • Early detection of imminent gear unit damage
  • Prevention of expensive plant downtime
  • Optimal supplement to optical sensors
  • Measurement of metallic particles (ferromagnetic and nonferromagnetic) >200
  • Measurement result is not affected by air bubbles or liquid contamination in the liquid

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TestMate® Monitoring Unit (TMU)

The TestMate® Monitorinig Unit TMU series combines the advantages of the portable contamination measurement units with the measurement technology of the TestMate® Contamination Monitor (TCM) and the TestMate® Water Sensor (TWS).

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TestMate® Particle Counter (TPM)

The TPM is a portable particle counter with an integrated pump that can be used in-line to measure contamination levels of hydraulic fluids. Particles are measured at the 4,6, and 14 micron sizes, with results available in ISO 4406 (1999) and SAE AS 4059, as well as several other options. Various programming options are available, including the ability to activate or de-activate system functions when contamination reaches a user-specified level. It is equipped with a built-in printer to provide instant documentation and an RS-232 serial port for data transfer. A custom software package is also included for trend analysis on a PC.

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Testmate® Sensor Unit (TSU)


  • Lubications systems in paper, steel and energy sectors
  • Preventive, pro-active preparation of service/intervals
  • Monitoring of component cleanliness on test benches
  • Monitoring of oil cleaniless in storage tanks

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TestMate® Water Sensor (TWS-C)

The TWS-C is a saturation and temperature sensor for the monitoring of hydraulic and lubrication fluids accurately, continuously and on-line. It measures the water content relative to the saturation concentration (saturation point) and outputs the degree of saturation (saturation level) in the range of 0 to 100% as a 4 to 20 mA signal. A reading of 0% would indicate the absence of water, while a reading of 100% would indicate that a fluid is saturated with water.

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TestMate® Water Sensor (TWS-D)

  • Water saturation and temperature sensor for h & l fluids
  • Integrated display, rotatable on two axes
  • Programmable directly from display area
  • Internal switch which sends an alarm if water saturation level becomes too high
  • R ed design intended for industrial environments

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產品規格︰TestMate® Series

Schroeder offers a variety of particle counters in our Filter Systems product line. Some can be integrated in-line into an existing hydraulic system to monitor contamination levels in real time (TCM, TIM, SMART kits). Others can be utilized as a portable service unit for temporary monitoring. All feature the ability to download measurements for further processing.

ET-100-6 : The "Original" TestMate®

Schroeder's original TestMate® system was patented EasyTest™ fitting provides the hyrdraulic user with a quick, convenient method to test, troubleshoot, and obtain preventive maintenance data on hydraulic systems. Flows up to 100gpm and pressures up to 6000psi, as well as operating temperature, are measured through an EasyTest™ fitting, which is permanently installed in the hydraulic system.

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HMG 3010 Data Recorder

The HMG 3010 data recorder is a portable unit for measurement and data capturing tasks involving hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Ideal for maintenance and servicing, troubleshooting, test stands and quality inspecting, the HMG 3010 can concurrently evaluate up to 10 input signals.

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TestMate® Contamination Monitor (TCM)

Schroeder's TestMate® Contamination Monitor (TCM) i s the newest generation of particle monitors that continuously measure solid contamination in fluid. Encolded in a 4-inch diameter case, the TCM utilizes an optical sensor and measures particles in four sizes: >4, >6, >14 and >21 microns. Measurement results can be output as a contamination code according to ISO 4406: 1999 or SAE AS 4059 (D).

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TestMate® In-Line Counter (TIM)

The TIM from Schroeder is an in-line contamination counter capable of transmitting information regarding fluid cleanliness in various formats to a wide variety of devices in real time. Software is included to transmit data to a PC. Alternative user-supplied output devices include PLCs, individual display units, and warning lights via trigger points. This unit is intended for critical systems where continuous contamination monitor is a must.

click here to contact Schroeder regarding this product

TestMate® Metallic Sensor (TMS)

■Early detection of imminent gear unit damage
■Prevention of expensive plant downtime
■Optimal supplement to optical sensors
■Measurement of metallic particles (ferromagnetic and nonferromagnetic) >200
■Measurement result is not affected by air bubbles or liquid contamination in the liquid

click here to contact Schroeder regarding this product

TestMate® Monitoring Unit (TMU)

The TestMate® Monitorinig Unit TMU series combines the advantages of the portable contamination measurement units with the measurement technology of the TestMate® Contamination Monitor (TCM) and the TestMate® Water Sensor (TWS).

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TestMate® Particle Counter (TPM)

The TPM is a portable particle counter with an integrated pump that can be used in-line to measure contamination levels of hydraulic fluids. Particles are measured at the 4,6, and 14 micron sizes, with results available in ISO 4406 (1999) and SAE AS 4059, as well as several other options. Various programming options are available, including the ability to activate or de-activate system functions when contamination reaches a user-specified level. It is equipped with a built-in printer to provide instant documentation and an RS-232 serial port for data transfer. A custom software package is also included for trend analysis on a PC.

click here to contact Schroeder regarding this product

Testmate® Sensor Unit (TSU)

■Lubications systems in paper, steel and energy sectors
■Preventive, pro-active preparation of service/intervals
■Monitoring of component cleanliness on test benches
■Monitoring of oil cleaniless in storage tanks

click here to contact Schroeder regarding this product

TestMate® Water Sensor (TWS-C)

The TWS-C is a saturation and temperature sensor for the monitoring of hydraulic and lubrication fluids accurately, continuously and on-line. It measures the water content relative to the saturation concentration (saturation point) and outputs the degree of saturation (saturation level) in the range of 0 to 100% as a 4 to 20 mA signal. A reading of 0% would indicate the absence of water, while a reading of 100% would indicate that a fluid is saturated with water.

click here to contact Schroeder regarding this product

TestMate® Water Sensor (TWS-D)

■Water saturation and temperature sensor for h & l fluids
■Integrated display, rotatable on two axes
■Programmable directly from display area
■Internal switch which sends an alarm if water saturation level becomes too high
■R ed design intended for industrial environments

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