
類別:工業設備 / 機械五金 / 模具
標籤︰模胚 , 模架 , 平進
單價: ¥800 / 件
最少訂量:2 件


   以市場為導向,優質的產品是我們的準則;以服務創新為宗旨,更好、更快是我們的一貫工作作風 ……
平進模具有限公司龍崗分公司  地址:深圳市龍崗鎮龍東村東南星五金交化市場
聯繫電話:0755-89715291    傳真:89715492       E-mail:  willcser@163.com
聯繫人:韓召威     手機:15820481380    
網址: http://www.willcser.hxuu.com/  http://www.willcser.com.cn
      PING JIN  Die Company, founded in 1996, is a private joint-stock enterprise. Companies in Shenzhen Die industrial base - Shenzhen Komeito town. Shenzhen City Association of Machinery Industry Die governing enterprises. The factory covering 40,000 square meters, more than 700 employees, has more than 100 CNC, precision milling machine and other advanced production equipment.
    The company mainly produces plastic model embryo, a Block Die, precision die accessories, as well as undertake Concentrate processing, transfer of heat treatment and the provision of various steel mold. Sophisticated processing equipment, quality service quality and sound management mechanism is the guarantee that your confidence. The "Progressive" series of products, as more foreign and domestic large enterprises to the use of the past eight years has proven: the inherent quality of products has reached or exceeded the level of industry standards. Radiation products to the Southeast Asian region as well as domestic Xiamen, Fuzhou, Tianjin, the PRD, and the Chaoshan area of foreign and domestic enterprises.
    Company to a "people-oriented, customer primacy, unity, cooperation, innovation and realistic" approach to quality. In 2002 successfully passed ISO 9001 - 2000 quality system certification. Our biggest feature is in production, engineering and other aspects of professional skills and management talents, but also set up a technical level by a professional procurement, sales and service teams to guide users reasonable economic use of the "Progressive" series of products, has established a perfect quality tracking network you use no worries.
    Market-oriented and quality products are our guidelines; To serve the purposes of innovation, better, faster is our consistent style of work ...

PING JIN Die Longgang branch Limited Address: Longgang Zhenlong East Village southeast of cross-hardware market (Jinlong hotel opposite oblique)
Telephone :0755 - 89715291 Fax: 89715492 E-mail: willcser@163.com
Contact: Han Zhao Wei phone: 15820481380
Address: http://willcser.2mould.com/  http://www.willcser.com.cn  http://www.willcser.cnbiz315.com
Hong Kong Address: Sha Tin Tau Village District 6 78
模架 1模架 2


聯繫人︰韓召威 (銷售)