
型號:G V 1----7
類別:工業設備 / 礦業設備
標籤︰地質雷達 , 深部雷達 , 地質雷達
單價: -
最少訂量:1 套


Performance Comparison with Other Competitors                                              (Gvue.ppt)




I want to bring to your attention the features that make Groundvue stand out from its competitors. The radars that we produce are the result of over 30 years experience in designing all sorts of radars. Unlike our competitors, we do not produce radars as a by-product of other geophysical tools. We are radar specialists.


我想讓大家注意的是我們的Groundvue 雷達優于其它競爭者的一些特征。我們擁有30多年的各種雷達設計的經驗。不像其他的競爭者,我們只生產地質雷達而不生產其它地球物理儀器來作為我們的副產品。我們是雷達專家


1.                  Very High Quality Data – Much Higher than any other Radar System



Groundvue radars are fully screened. Other systems say they are shielded but they are not fully screened, leaving open the possibility of clutter from surrounding objects and even the operator. Clutter obscures the real targets. The Groundvues have full metallic screening around each part of the antenna so that the signals are transmitted into the ground and the reflected signals are all from buried targets.


Groundvue 是全屏蔽雷達。其他雷達系統聲稱他們是屏蔽的但實際上並不完全是屏蔽的,雜波有可能向週圍的目標甚至向操作員擴散。雜波會干擾真正的目標體。Groundvues 系列在天線每一部分都帶有全金屬屏,以便信號傳入地下和並從掩埋的目標返回。

All of the Groundvue radars have twin arrayed antennas. The radar beam is a cone shape. The deeper that you look, the wider the spread of the beam. Twin arrayed antennas focus the beam more sharply, making it easier to detect targets. They also result in increased signal transmission into the ground. This is very important. The greater the signal transmitted into the ground, the greater the returned signal and the easier it is to detect targets.


所有的Groundvue 雷達都有雙排天線。雷達波束是椎體形狀。探測的越深,波束伸展的越寬。雙排天線集中光束越強烈,探測目標就更容易。雙排天線也可以增加到地下的信號傳輸。這一點非常重要。傳入到地下的信號越強,返回的信號就越強,也越容易探測到目標。

Another way in which we ensure that our data quality is much better than any of our competitors is by special design features in the receiver:



1.                  The repetition rate at 2MHz to 500GHz is far higher than any other system; 

在2MHz 到500GHz 的天線中,重複頻率要高于其他的系統。

2.                  We use true 16 bit A/D converters with very high linearity. This allows our radars to detect small targets more easily.

我們使用高線性的16 bit A/D 轉換器。這使得我們的雷達更容易探測到細小目標


Groundvue cables are damped to give noise free operation. The results are as good as using fibre optic cables but the cables are much stronger. Fibre optic cables are notorious for their fragility.

特製的Groundvues 電纜在操作時候是無噪音的。得到的結果與使用纖維光纜得到的結果一樣好,但我們的電纜要結實一點。纖維光纜的缺點是很脆弱,容易遭到破坏。

Of all the radar systems, Groundvue makes use of the widest bandwidth. The industry norm for the ratio of top frequency to bottom frequency is 2:1. For Groundvue, this ratio is 3:1. Our target definition is much better. It also means that you do not need to change antenna frequencies so often as there is a better overlap between the frequency ranges. This saves you money also. You may not need as many antennas. This saves you time – complete 1 survey, not 2.

在所有雷達系統中,Groundvue 使用最寬的帶寬。行業規範規定的最高頻率到最低頻率的比率是 2:1。對於Groundvue,比率是3:1。因此,我們的目標界定要更好。也就意味着你不用頻繁的更換天線,因為在這個頻率範圍里有更好的重疊性。這也節省了你的金錢。而且也不需要用許多的天線,很省時間—就能完成1次測量,而不是2次。

Radars measure in time. Some of the radars on the market, some of those widely sold do not have a stable time base. Groundvues have the most stable time base of them all. Please do not take my word for it. The UK Highways Agency commissioned TRL Ltd (the UK Transport Research Laboratory) to measure the time performance of all radars being used on the road network. Groundvue was awarded the maximum 3 stars. If the time base is not stable, you cannot measure depth with any accuracy. You may think you have a target but you have no means of knowing what you are measuring.


雷達測量及時。市場上一些雷達,有的連穩定的時基都沒有就被大量的出售了。Groundvues 擁有最穩定的時基。.英國高速公路處委任英國運輸研究實驗室在公路網路上測量了所有雷達時間性能。授予Groundvue 為最高的3顆星。如果時基不穩定,任何深度的準確性都是不可能的。你會認為:有一個目標體,但不知道用什麼方法來測得它是什麼。

We eliminate noise & clutter inside the hardware.   This gives you the best possible

view into the ground when you carry out a GPR survey. It makes processing much easier and quicker. In short, it saves you time and money.   Buying an inadequately screened radar or one which does nothing to cut down its own internal noise may be a costly mistake.


2.      User Friendly Equipment 


Our equipment has an easy to understand user interface. The data is always recorded raw. Gain parameters are for viewing only. So, if your operator makes a mistake, so long as he or she has selected the correct depth and the correct sampling interval, there is no need to carry out the survey again. This is not the case for our competitors. You have to select your gain parameters (for example) and they cannot be changed. 

儀器的用戶界面很容易理解。並總是記錄初始的數據 。增益參數也能看到.因此,如果操作員作了誤操作,只要他選擇了恰當的深度和采樣間隔,不需要進行再次測量。我們的競爭者卻沒有這種案例,比如,你不得不選擇你的增益參數,並且這些參數不能改變的。

Most radar systems allow you to add 1 marker to the data. We allow you a minimum of 4 (using the datalogger) and a maximum of ……….any key on the keyboard of the laptop. You can use different markers to indicate survey boundaries; problems on the ground; known features of the site etc.



3.      Fast Operation



Most companies selling radars quote their single channel system at speeds up to 1000 scans/sec. Not all of them can achieve this rate. This is single channel operation. They keep very quiet about their multi-channel operation. Their antennas are fired in sequence, not simultaneously. The more channels you use, the slower the systems becomes. Groundvue 3 is the fastest operating multi-channel on the market. Our antennas are triggered simultaneously. Our 4 channel speed is equivalent to 1000 scans/sec. No other company has managed to match this. The picture shows 3 different configurations of Groundvue 3 on the roads where it is used at traffic speeds. To show you how r ed it is, there is also a picture of the same system being used on a cliff face in the desert in Oman. 

大多數公司在銷售他們的雷達時,報的價都是單通道系統,說速度可達每秒1000掃。實際上,並不是所有的雷達都能達到這個速率。這只是單通道操作,他們會在多通道操作方面保持沉默。他們的天線是按順序點火,而不是同時。使用的通道越多,系統會變得越慢。Groundvue 3 是市場上操作最快的多通道系統。我們的天線是同時觸發的,4通道速度相當于1000 scans/sec。其他公司很難與此相比。這張圖片顯示的是Groundvue 33個不同的配置,都是以交通流量的速度用於公路測量。我們可以看到路面是非常粗糙的。還有一張圖片,地點是在阿曼一個沙漠懸陡峭面上(位於阿拉伯東南部沿海地區),使用的也是Groundvue 3系統。

Groundvue 3 is used for every possible application, slow or fast in all kinds of environments.  It can be used as a single channel system, a two channel system, a three channel system or a four channel system. There is a very wide range of frequencies available – 250MHz, 400MHz, 1GHz, 1.5GHz, and 4GHz. Depending on the soil environment, this gives depth ranges of 0.5m down to at least 10m. There are also some specialist antennas which no other radar company can provide. 

Groundvue 3 可以在各種可能的環境下應用,不同的環境速度有快有慢,因此測量深度可以從0。5米到至少10米。可以作為單通道系統,雙通道系統,三通道系統或四通道系統來使用。可用的頻率範圍非常廣—有250MHz, 400MHz, 1GHz, 1.5GHz, 和 4GHz. 依據土壤環境,可以得到0.5米到10米的探測深度。還有一些其他公司不能提供的特殊天線。


5.                  Technical Advantages: Low Frequency Applications



The Groundvue low frequency radars have much better depth penetration than those of competitor companies. Groundvue 2 (30MHz to 100MHz), shown here working in the deserts of Oman can reach a full 10m more in limestone karst than the equivalent Pulsekko. This test carried out independently by Heriot Watt university Institute of Petroleum studies, convinced them to change radars. In place of the 20m they previously achieved, Groundvue 2 gave them a full 30m depth of data. They now use Groundvue for a clearer signal and better depth penetration.

Groundvue低頻雷達比其他雷達產品有更好的穿透性。(頻率從30mhz至100mhz ),在阿曼的沙漠中的石灰岩溶洞中,探測到一個完整的10米以上的深度,優于同樣的Pulsekko系統。這項測試由Heriot Watt大學石油研究所獨立進行,說服了他們使用我們的雷達。在他們之前只能查看到的20m深度的地區, groundvue2給了他們清晰的30米深度的數據。於是他們現在使用Groundvue雷達能得到更清晰的信號和更好的深度滲透。




英國格威地質雷達--高精度多通道地質雷達 1


聯繫人︰陸元 (經 理)