.綠色環保 鐵電池是綠色環保電池,不含任何有毒有害重金屬。 B.高安全性
3.高能量密度 同等瓦時數下:鐵電池的重量是鉛酸電池的1/3,體積是鉛酸電池的1/2。
4.高循環次數 100%DOD充放電循環次數可達2000次,容量剩餘率80%以上。
5.優異的溫度性能 鐵電池可以在-20~60℃進行放電,具有良好的電性能。
6.大倍率放電 10C放電可放出90%容量。。;
1.Environment al Friendly
Without any heavy metal that does harm to health.
2.High Safety Performance
Fe battery will not catch fire under collision, over charged or short circuit. Fe battery could never explode even be disposed in fire.
3.High Energy Density
In the same capacity, the weight of Fe battery is one third of VRLA.The volume of Fe battery is one half of VRLA.
4.Long cycle life
Charging and discharging more than 2000 times in condition of 100% DOD.residual capacity is more than 80%.
5.Good Temperature Performance
Fe cell has good performance at different temperature, and could be used at -20~60.
6.High Power Output
90% nominal capacity released at C10 rate discharge
電動汽車需要電池在其整個循環壽命中始終支持大電流的放電,為了達到這個要求,傳統電池需要有增大電池的尺寸和容量,從而保護電池的循環壽命。很顯然,增大電池尺寸並不是一個好的方案。磷酸鐵鋰電池能夠支持大電流放電,在比較小尺寸的情況下,達到高速電動汽車的要求,比較保証其超長的循環壽命,且安全性極高。HEVs require high power discharge and regen pulses, with very long cycle life. In order for traditional batteries to meet these demanding requirements, they must be oversized to protect battery life. However, oversizing, by definition, implies a larger than optimal battery. PTI shows low power loss with usage, allowing for a smaller battery that still meets end-of-life power.