
類別:家居用品 / 餐具
標籤︰不繡鋼西餐餐具 , 不繡鋼刀叉匙 , 餐具批發代理
單價: ¥1 / 把
最少訂量:10 把



  Feature of wall stickers:Wall stickers can be easy to get a wall of their decoration, it is not only simple and convenient and arbitrary strong decorative effect is very intuitive for the modern family, also is recommended to do shop wall decoration, the more valuable is not only to their easy to get and relatively cheap.


  Course of wall stickers:The earliest form of wall stickers graffiti, people gradually to this art form with modernization, it has become more and more people can accept the space decorative works of art, more realistic and practical significance. It broadens the area of wall decoration, wall decoration to change the simple variety, can adapt to different individual needs, called space decorated with fine points of document.




尺    寸:如圖,排版尺寸為520*720mm,可貼1-2平方米的面積,大麵積可購買多張,DIY性十足

Size: figure, layout size 520 * 720mm, can be attached to 1-2 square meters, more than a large area can be purchased, DIY of full

包    裝:OPP袋/紙盒/透明PVC塑膠盒

Packing: OPP bag/box/transparent plastic PVC box

材    質:最新推出的新系列YM可移韓式牆貼,是在時下最流行的韓國牆貼的生產工藝基礎上,結合國外最新研製的可移膠水,精選國內外款式,採用高檔環保材料,無毒,無味.YM系列在很大程度上解決了國內傳統單色牆貼的缺點,亮點在於其具有可移性,可反復撕貼不傷牆面,顏色豐富多彩等特點,多用於現代風格的裝飾,使用材料完全環保,綠色,保持時間長久,在室內環境下可以保持3年以上,不翹邊,防水,防磨,底膠採用現下最先進的可移性膠,不僅能很好地保持產品的粘性,且撕貼不傷牆壁,可反復撕貼多次,同等技術在國內遙遙領先。

Material: The latest new series of YM Korean removable wall stickers, is the most popular Korean wall stickers based on the production process, combined with newly developed abroad can be moved glue, selected domestic and international style, using high-end environmentally friendly materials, non-toxic , smell. YM series in large part to solve the domestic shortcomings of the traditional monochrome wall stickers, highlights in its nature has to move, can not hurt the wall repeatedly tear paste, color, colorful, etc., are used for decoration of modern style the use of materials, fully green, green, long hold time, in the indoor environment can be maintained over 3 years, not Alice side, waterproof, wear, bottom rubber used holds many lessons for the most advanced of plastic can be moved,
Can not only maintain product viscosity, and the paste does not hurt to tear the walls, stickers can be repeated many times tear, the same technology in China far ahead.

More product information contact me directly with the request
TEL :0757-82825483
FAX :0757-83655536
wangwang: ymray
MSN: lianhuichen@hotmail.com
Home: http://www.yangmay.com
Ali: http://ymray.cn.alibaba.com

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聯繫人︰陳練輝 (經理)
