LH型電動葫蘆橋式起重機。具有外型尺寸緊湊、建築淨空高度低、自重輕、輪壓小等優點。適用於機械加工車間、冶金廠輔助車間、倉庫、料場、電站等的轉運、裝配、檢修和裝卸作業;它也可以代替普通雙梁橋式起重機,用於輕紡工業和食品工業的生產車間。其工作類型為輕級和中級,工作環境溫度為-25℃ 一40℃,禁止在易燃、易爆、腐蝕性介質環境中使用。
LH model eleCtric Hoist Overhead Crane has such features as tight dimensions , low building headroom, light dead weight and light wheel Ioad.They are applicable to the transfer , assembly , check and repair as well as Ioad and Unload at mechanic processing workshop , subsidiary workshop of metallurgical mills , warehouse , goods yard and power station.They can also be used instead of common double-girder overhead crane at production workshop in light textiles or food industry. It has two kinds of classification, that is,light and medium.The working ambient temperature is generally -25℃~40℃. It is forbidden to work in environment with combustible, explosive or corrosive media.
Two operating methods, namely, on floor and in the driver's cabin, have been designed for such kind of crane.The cabin is divided into open-style and closed style.The cabin can be installed on the left or right according to actual conditions. The operator can enter the cabin from one side, rear or top, which depends on the different user's requirements.
山東龍輝起重機械有限公司 |
國家/地區︰ | 山东省泰安市 |
經營性質︰ | 生產商 |
聯繫電話︰ | 13455801608 |
聯繫人︰ | 王先生 (銷售部) |
最後上線︰ | 2017/07/07 |