

類別:電子、電力 / 儀器、儀表 / 電子測量儀器
標籤︰1500A , ESA , ESA15
單價: -
最少訂量:1 件


Agilent HP ESA-L1500A. The Agilent Technologies Inc. ESA-L1500A spectrum analyzer is a wide band, very sensitive receiver. It works on the principle of "super-heterodyne receiver" to convert higher frequencies (normally ranging up to several 10s of GHz) to measurable quantities. The received frequency spectrum is slowly swept through a range of pre-selected frequencies, converting the selected frequency to a measurable DC level (usually logarithmic scale), and displaying the same on the CRT of the Agilent Technologies Inc. ESA-L1500A. The CRT displays received signal strength (y-axis) against frequency ( x-axis).

Some applications for Agilent Technologies Inc. ESA-L1500A Spectrum Analyzers include Site Monitoring: Verify that the frequency and signal strength of your transmitter is accurate. Interference: Before a system is installed you use a Agilent Technologies Inc. ESA-L1500A spectrum analyzer to verify that the frequencies (you plan to use) are not occupied or if the presence of a very strong signal will interfere with your new setup. Interference can be created by a number of different situations. Other tests that utilize the Agilent Technologies Inc. ESA-L1500A spectrum analyzer features include antenna isolation, co-channel interference, adjacent channel power, occupied bandwidth, intermodulation, microwave or satellite antenna alignment, and characterization of components.
Repair services available. Our sales representatives will be happy to provide you with the most up-to-date information about the AGILENT-HP ESA-L1500A , as well as helping you find the product solution that fits your needs. Whether you are looking to liquidate unused assets or resell equipment, we buy all types of test equipment at the best price. Choose from over 30,000 products. Save 30% - 80% off list price by purchasing refurbished equipment.

Model: ESA-L1500A


聯繫人︰丁先生 (銷售經理)