naphthalene additives

naphthalene additives
類別:化工 / 其它化工制品
標籤︰sulph , water , reduc
單價: ¥1 / 件
最少訂量:1 件


 Produce high performance concrete of C80 with slump of 50mm-70mm or C60 with slump of 180mm-200mm.
Slump control at the job site without adding water.
Higher early and ultimate strengths. Given the same amount of cement and slump requirement, this product can increase the concrete stress by 40-110%, 40-90%, 30-80% and 30-50% on day 1, 3, 7, and 28 respectively.
Improves concrete placebility with no loss in strength.
At addition rate of 0.5% -1.0%, NSF can save cement 12%-20% in comparison to the concrete at the same slump and strength.
Higher strengths may be achieved more economically.
Improves cohesiveness and reduces concrete segregation.
Concrete achieves higher durability.

NSF has wide application. It does not retard and introduce air. It will reduce the chemical heat in the cement and produces concrete with lower permeability.
Properties, Features & Characteristics
Appearance: Light brown powder. Non-poisonous, odorless, non-flammable and non-corrosive to steel bars.

Remarkable Plasticity: As a condition of blending where amount of cement and collapsibility are fixed aforehand, mixing water can be decreased by 10-30% when it is admixed with reinforced concrete at 0.3-1.5%.
Improve miscibility of concrete amalgamator with water and collapsibility as well. As a condition of equivalent blending, collapsibility can be increased by 12cm when it is added at standard blend dosage.
Parameters & Acceptance Criteria(Sodium salt of polynaphthalene sulfonic acid)

Parameters Criteria Actual results
Solid Content 92% min 93.41%
Moisture, % <= 8.0 7.1
Fineness 5.0% max 1.04%
pH value 7 - 9 7.8
Sodium Sulfate Content 18.0% max 16.71%
Chlorides Content 2.0% max 0.21%
Surface Tension 68-72 Mn/m 70
Cement Flowing Rate 230mm min 240mm
Concrete Reducing Water Rate 18% min 20.00%
Steel-bar Corrosion None None

Addition Rates
NSF can be added directly or added in after melt. It can be added during mixing and after-mixing. The afterward approach can achieve better result. The s ested addition rate is 0.75%.

Prepare solutions as required.
Direct use of powdery agent is allowed. Alternatively the addition of the agent is followed by water moisturization (water-cement ratio: 60%).
The agent can be combined with other externally applied agents if pilot development or laboratory experiment succeeds.
Package, Storage & Handling
For powder: Woven fabric bag with plastic liner. Net weight: 25kg +/- 0.13 kg.
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聯繫人︰許可 (assistant)