1.Titanium dioxide photo-catalytic xz - g02 is of good light catalytic performance. This photo-catalytic can use light wavelengths of light energy to produce light photocatalytic effect. 2.To make the oxygen and water molecules which adhere to the material surface stimulate generate OH-and O2 free ions with super activity .These strong oxidizing free radicals can decompose almost organic matter and part of inorganic substances which is harm to human or environment , and finally can decompose organic, bacterium to carbon dioxide and water. Therefore nano-tio2 light catalysis xz - g02 can have the function of deodorization, antibacterial disinfection, purify air and clean. 3.Decomposition carbon dioxide can attract mosquitoes, plus the mosquitoes attacted Violet tube in it,through cover a very silent, mute motor wind attraction. will attract mosquitoes to the blow voltage electrode below, will kill mosquitoes and play the role of deinsectization.

深圳市眾立信電子有限公司 |
國家/地區︰ | 广东省深圳市 |
經營性質︰ | 生產商 |
聯繫電話︰ | 13728681102 |
聯繫人︰ | 劉琳珠 (銷售) |
最後上線︰ | 2019/03/13 |