Production Name:Red Clover P.E.
Original plant: Stem,leaf and flower of Trifolium pratense L.
Specification: 8%~40% Isoflavone
Active Ingredient: Abiochanin A、Formononetin、Daidzein、Genistein、Sission、Ononin、Daidzin
Test Method:HPLC
Molecular Formula: Abiochanin A C16H12O5、Formononetin C16H12O4、Daidzein C15H10O4、Genistein C16H10O5、Sission C16H11O4
CAS No.:977150-97-2
Solubility:Soluble in Methanol,Ethanol, Propanol.
Description: Trifolium pratense extract has the function like plant estrogen.It is used in cholesterol-lowering and anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory.