Nidoc 970 A Urodynamic System
Technical parameters:
Measuring range of urine flow rate: 0ml/s~50ml/s, Error≤5%
Measuring range of urine volume:10ml~1000ml, Error±2%
Measuring range of pressure: -4.9kPa~ +19.6kPa(-50cmH2O~200cmH2O), Error≤5%
Length of traction: ≥280mm
Speed of traction: 0.5mm/s、1.0mm/s、2.0mm/s、4.0mm/s, Error≤5%
EMG Range of measurement: 20μV~1mV CMRR: ≥80dB 20Hz~10kHz±20%
Setting range of perfusion rate:2ml~ 80ml/min
Range of perfusion volume: 10ml~1000ml, Error≤4%
Analysis of pressure-rate, automatically generated four charts of (P-Q chart, A-G chart, LPURR chart, URA chart)
Measuring items: Urine Flow Rate, Vesical Function Test of Filling Period, Synchronic Test of Pressure-Uroflow-EMG, Analysis of Pressure / Flow Rate, Urethral Function Test, Analysis of Vesical Compliance, Analysis of Urine Leakage Point
Displaying curves: Curve of Vesical Pressure, Curve of Abdominal Pressure, Curve of Pdet, Curve of EMG, Curve of Urethral Pressure, Curve of Urethral Closure Pressure, Curve of Urine Flow Rate, Curve of Voided Volume